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File Details - Cheshire Lines 1992 May

Cheshire Lines 1992 May

Mid Cheshire Line - May 1992

A very simple timetable, but one that provides exposure to the more interesting features of the simulation, without the traffic and regulating pressures of earlier years. It's easily handled by one person and at several times real clock speed.

Traffic scheduled is a very basic passenger service between Stockport and Mickle Trafford, plus freight to all terminals at least once per day. Keeping the default options of absolute block working and level crossing operations on and train operated route release (TORR) off is strongly recommended.

The timetable is accurate for the period May 11th - June 15th 1992, though it could stand in for the period from December 24th, 1991 when the direct Manchester - Altrincham route was closed for downgrading to tram operation. The closure was advertised as lasting 6-weeks, despite the earlier Bury project being already many months behind schedule. In reality it would be six months before trams began running to Altrincham and then with frequent service breakdowns and unpredictable running. No trams will be seen in this simulation: a not uncommon situation after June 15th too.

The Chester service is that introduced with the 1989 timetable, using the long diversion via Stockport that added 15-20 minutes to all journeys. Only one train has an intermediate terminus/ starting point and that is dealt with by starting the simulation after it has reversed at Plumley West signalbox. The only evening short working continues ahead to Chester from Greenbank as empty stock.

Trains operating vary by day of week. A light engine will seed at the entrance to Oakleigh Sidings (west of Northwich) to set the day of the week.

User-contributed > Timetables > Cheshire Lines
09/07/2020 at 21:15
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Cheshire Lines 1992 May.WTT

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