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You are here: Home > Files > User-contributed > Timetables > Stafford > File Details - Stafford Summer 2020

File Details - Stafford Summer 2020

Stafford Summer 2020

Timetable based upon the summer 2020 timetable with it being fully based upon 14/10/2020. I have tried my best to make this correct though it may not be.
The service on the Chase Line is now using Class 350s but the line on this simulation is non electrified so it is set to be using different 350s which can run on diesel.
This is current day timetable trying to run on the old layout for Stafford without the flyovers at Norton Bridge and without any enhanced permitted speed limits for Tilting trains for some reason. Trains should stay on time but there is very little wiggle room because of these issues.

This version of the timetable now includes all the freight that ran on the 14/10/2020 correct for the day. There is no randomness when it comes to whether or not a service runs as all that are in the timetable are those which were supposed to run for this day.

I have thrown in a few bonus services where Driver training or Train testing services may have been cancelled or didn't on the day, they should all be there just to make the timetable more interesting

The data for the services has all be been taken from Real Time Trains and should be correct.

User-contributed > Timetables > Stafford
12/01/2021 at 14:30
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51.8 KiB
File Name
Stafford Summer 2020.WTT

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