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File Details - Chester Spring 2022

Chester Spring 2022

The TT data is based on 17th-19th March 2022. Stock data from "a small enthusiast website" has been added where known. Some ECS workings have been slightly amended to alleviate capacity constraints.

This version has been designed to chain with Spring 2022 timetables for North-East Wales and North Wales Coast.

Rules have been added for some services returning from Llandudno Junction, and for services with split-working diagrams.

Some 'special' and STP services may have conflicting platform allocations, this is prototypical.
A number of platform conflicts in the original TT have been rectified; however some have been allowed to remain so CHECK your timetables!

Version History
v1.0 20220515 - Initial Release
v1.1 20220525 - Corrections to some chaining with N. Wales Coast
v1.2 20220612 - Some 3D/3K test services changed to Cl. 197. Rules for services terminating CRE have been added. 3B ECS (Q Paths) will return from LIV if dispatched from the depot. Correction to Kronospan consists
v1.3 20221230 - Dwell times on Merseyrail services adjusted, some speed classes corrected and minor timing point adjustments.

User-contributed > Timetables > Chester
31/12/2022 at 15:34
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173.4 KiB
File Name
Chester Spring 2022.WTT

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