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You are here: Home > Files > User-contributed > Timetables > Manchester Piccadilly > File Details - Manchester Piccadilly 1996

File Details - Manchester Piccadilly 1996

Manchester Piccadilly 1996

Operating hours: 04.20-24.30 - 1391 trains in the timetable; number operating varies by day of week

This timetable MUST be run in the default 2008-2015 mode. Although fully compatible with ARS operaton, you are strongly advised NOT to enable ARS between Slade Lane Jn and Castlefield Jn, as outlined in the timetable notes.

In 1995, the southern connection to Manchester Airport opened, completing the triangular layout near Heald Green. Timetables were rewritten to have a heavy focus on services to & from the airport, with two trains in the station's platforms much of the time. Sequencing arrivals and departures at the airport became critical, leading to renewed pressure in turn on the terminal platforms at Piccadilly. Much more information about the timetable can be found in the "General" tab of the timetable, including ARS/ACI issues.

One operator can cope with this timetable at up to 2 times real clock speed, but if 2/3 operators are available, life is much easier.

User-contributed > Timetables > Manchester Piccadilly
26/12/2020 at 01:34
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131.9 KiB
File Name
Manchester Piccadilly 1996.WTT

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