Telephone call to Longannet

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Telephone call to Longannet 30/12/2015 at 21:51 #79424
872 posts
I have just been running Central Scotland with the 1984 timetable. 0A93 Has entered from Grangemouth FLT and I am trying to route it to Grangemouth BP refinery. However when I try to phone to get permission for a train to enter the only place I can make a phone call to is Longannet Power Station. Any ideas as I believe Longannet is part of the Edinburgh sim and not Central Scotland. Previous services from and to the same locations have run as they should and I have phoned and got permission from the Refinery but this one is an odd one.

I am running version 3.238.3 of the sim which I believe is the latest version

Picture attached.

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