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I have no clue how i set up port forwarding but it would be really useful knowing as I can then host my own multiplayer servers. please help, -Thanks in advance.

There's quite a bit of information in the Wiki. This may assist. https://www.simsig.co.uk/Wiki/Show?page=usertrack:ssrun:multiplayer:port_forwarding Peter

these are the sttings ive got and im stuck please help many thanks in advance.... 1.png 2.png

these are the sttings ive got and im stuck please help many thanks in advance.... 1.png 2.png How do you mean stuck? Will the router not accept the settings, can you not connect with those setting or what? Have you tried setting protocol to TCP/UDP?

sorry i've got these settings and the port forwarding doesn't seem to want to be accepted, any help would be appreciated.

As the other settings seem to be consistent with what is required, have you tried the different options (like TCP/UDP) in the Protocol drop-down?

As the other settings seem to be consistent with what is required, have you tried the different options (like TCP/UDP) in the Protocol drop-down? Only needs to be TCP, UDP isn't used by SimSig.

sorry i've got these settings and the port forwarding doesn't seem to want to be accepted, any help would be appreciated. Is your firewall allowing connections for SimSig?

I'm still not clear exactly where you're getting stuck. So you enter the details like in your first picture and you hit "Ok". What happens? In the background of that picture it looks like there is an entry, perhaps done previously, or perhaps updates as you type. Your second picture shows an empty list. So does it accept your entry and place it in that list? If that is okay, what happens when you run a simulation, ensure you tick "enable" under "Run a SimSig server", and then try to connect a client simu...

thankyou to everyone i can now host...

thankyou to everyone i can now host... If you can let everyone know how you resolved things it may help someone else who has the same problem in the future.

it apears that everyones advice on here helped i also found a program called spi port forward which may have helped. *** not sure if it did but i think so ***

it apears that everyones advice on here helped i also found a program called spi port forward which may have helped. *** not sure if it did but i think so *** Which of the settings are different to those in your screen grabs then, please?

the wan interface is different its ETHWAN and its TCP/UDP many thanks all

the wan interface is different its ETHWAN and its TCP/UDP many thanks all Moved to Lightstream?

yep sacro think that may have been the problem :)

yep sacro think that may have been the problem :) I realise that now, a bit out of the loop on all things KC!

think most people are lol

hey i need to know how to port foward a port via the routers config page so i can start hosting i have looked at the wiki and googled it and cant find anything please help a newbie :laugh:

hi, whos your broadband with and whats the make of you router..

1) Read this page of the Wiki 2) Follow the advice to go to this web-site. 3) Avoid the pop-ups trying you get you to buy stuff you don't need to set up port forwarding. 4) In the top line in the box headed "Find Port Forwarding Guides For Your Router Here" scroll down and click on DLink. 5) In the second line scroll down and click on DIR600. 6) Click on Search 7) Again avoid the attempts to sell you stuff you don't need and click on the link to the Default Guide for the router. 8) Follow the...

https://www.simsig.co.uk/Search?SearchTerm=port+fowarding&Articles=false&Forum=false&Products=false&Wiki=false Hi, There are plenty of threads within the forum giving advice on how to set up port forwarding on a range of routers and how to get started. You will need access to your router. Have a read over threads and hopefully you will find one that will help you get set up. If you need any more help/advice, just continue to post into this thread. Craig

is your internal IP adress the same? If it changes port fowarding will need to be updated to reflect changed IP

is your internal IP adress the same? If it changes port fowarding will need to be updated to reflect changed IP Or your external IP address for that matter. Both can change.

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