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2003 Timetable Series

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2003 Timetable Series 22/11/2024 at 14:20 #159245
374 posts
Hello all!

So after a lot of work, I'm happy to say the 2003 TT series I'm slowly making has expanded!

I've submitted 2 brand new sims, plus an update to my Crewe 2003, which having gone back and both tested and edited it, I found it really wasn't my best work, So I've slowly been 'updating' it. It's still not perfect, but it's a little better than it was!
I've tried to fix as many errors as I can, while also
- Removing the long stops within Basford Hall that stitch everything up (by splitting schedules)
- Fixing stock errors, with different length units etc
- As part of an upcoming Release, I've also been using UIDs, these will make very little sense to anyone but me but they are there so I can get my head around where the stock goes :)

Cheshire Lines
- The first NEW release, is only a small one but has the Metrolink and freight will keep you busy!

Manchester South
- The second NEW TT, and was a really peculiar setup with the stoke lines shut, everything diverting on the main lines, plus all the freight! so gets pretty hectic in the peaks!
- The SCC was also brand new! So this is one the first TTs used on it!

All of the timetables (should) be chainable as I've matched all the stock and timings up!

Any issues post them here and I'll get to editing them

I've added a B+W version of what Manchester South's area looked like just a few months before this TT went in, to show the difference!

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Resident Mock Maker! / "The Out Of Control Host"
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The following users said thank you: Splodge, flabberdacks, Guts, phil1044
2003 Timetable Series 23/11/2024 at 21:10 #159248
722 posts
Loaded this up as a Crewe-Man South local chain. First of all I got different days of the week appearing on loading so my Crewe is on Friday with my MS being on Wednesday!

Couple of minor issues so far:
4H83 enters at 0012 from Basford Hall to Trafford Park, but Man South doesn't recognise the headcode
0L36 doesn't reverse at Gresty Lane, I'm not sure if you need a specific signal number for it rather than just Gresty Lane as a location

There's the right way, the wrong way and the railway.
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The following user said thank you: elltrain3
2003 Timetable Series 24/11/2024 at 15:27 #159249
374 posts
Got those edited, (I'll wait a week for any others then upload the 'update')

The Days, I'm not sure how to fix that (or make them work together), the only thing I can think of is that when making Crewe the Decision is named "DotW" (not sure why I did that!) whereas Man Sth is DOTW, so might have to edit that but that will involve editing potentially over 1000 trains so I'll do some chaining myself to see if I can find a fix!

Resident Mock Maker! / "The Out Of Control Host"
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2003 Timetable Series 24/11/2024 at 15:28 #159250
1618 posts
The decision names have to be identical for them to transmit correctly across chains
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The following user said thank you: elltrain3
2003 Timetable Series 24/11/2024 at 15:59 #159251
5318 posts
elltrain3 in post 159249 said:
Got those edited, (I'll wait a week for any others then upload the 'update')

The Days, I'm not sure how to fix that (or make them work together), the only thing I can think of is that when making Crewe the Decision is named "DotW" (not sure why I did that!) whereas Man Sth is DOTW, so might have to edit that but that will involve editing potentially over 1000 trains so I'll do some chaining myself to see if I can find a fix!
Do a bit of digging and teach yourself how to unzip and extract the xml files from the timetable, import to a spreadsheet program then do a find and replace. Export back to xml, re-zip as a WTT and that's every "DOTW" converted to "DoTW" in less than 5 minutes. All sounds complex and difficult but once you've got your head round it it is almost trivial.

“In life, there is always someone out there, who won’t like you, for whatever reason, don’t let the insecurities in their lives affect yours.” – Rashida Rowe
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The following user said thank you: elltrain3
2003 Timetable Series 24/11/2024 at 18:25 #159253
722 posts
0K60 carries from Man South, but picks up the TT of an entry from Madeley rather than it's equivalent 0K60-1
There's the right way, the wrong way and the railway.
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2003 Timetable Series 24/11/2024 at 18:39 #159254
722 posts
1H98 in the Crewe sim is an AC Class 323 operated by FNW. When it transfers to Manchester South it becomes a diesel Class 158 operated by Wales and Borders

2H25 departs Crewe at 0705 to Manchester Piccadilly but when entering Manchester South picks up the TT of the 0935 Crewe-Deansgate instead of 2H25-9

There's the right way, the wrong way and the railway.
Last edited: 24/11/2024 at 18:44 by Splodge
Reason: None given

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2003 Timetable Series 24/11/2024 at 19:56 #159258
374 posts
Sorted the 'DOTW' issue, and sorted those issues too!
Resident Mock Maker! / "The Out Of Control Host"
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The following user said thank you: postal
2003 Timetable Series 25/11/2024 at 14:12 #159264
722 posts
Still having various issues with trains transferring with incorrectly sequenced headcodes, or non existent ones, to/from Man South - mainly the 2H2*s.

0Z97 has a length of 297m

None of the attaching locos for 1Z97 have appeared

There's the right way, the wrong way and the railway.
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The following user said thank you: elltrain3
2003 Timetable Series 26/11/2024 at 22:57 #159283
374 posts
Took a bit of detective work, but fixed the railtour (a missing -1 from a rule was the culprit!)

The 2H's transferring is something I need to properly test, I'll have a test on Thursday and try mabye add some UIDs to assist

Resident Mock Maker! / "The Out Of Control Host"
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The following user said thank you: Splodge