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Timetable summer Saturday 1975

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Timetable summer Saturday 1975 27/11/2024 at 11:10 #159284
1442 posts
Now released this timetable runs from midnight, with some freight in the mornings as well as the summer additional services to the Welsh Coast.
All the London – Wolverhampton trains run ECS to Oxley where the sets are stepped back for servicing and the loco coupled to the south end giving work through the day.

This timetable at v1.0 chains to the Wolverhampton 1975 SAT timetable at v1.2 and above, and also matches the Walsall 1975 SAT timetable at v 1.1 to give a 3 sim chain.

It was written from the relevant WTT's and trip / platforming notices (thanks for those Pascal)

https://www.SimSig.co.uk/File/Details/3103 or via loader 'user content'

The file is a zip with a pdf guide to the alterations and precautions that allow the older era timetable to run sensibly. Most notable is ignoring the Oxley shunter as the modern era logic emulating servicing 390's is not suited to loco hauled.

All bug comments in the timetables thread please

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