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5K08 to Join 5S18 at Snow Hill??

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5K08 to Join 5S18 at Snow Hill?? 05/12/2024 at 21:24 #159333
1831 posts
Would someone kindly explain how I’m supposed to join these two trains.

I held 5S18 in platform 3 ready to join 5K08, even though it was trying to depart for Small Heath.
I sent 5K08 to the “Turnback” signal as per the timetable which then says that it joins 5S18.

What is the correct procedure please? I'm struggling 😐

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5K08 to Join 5S18 at Snow Hill?? 05/12/2024 at 22:44 #159335
6391 posts
The 5S18 that's in platform 3 goes off to Tyseley TMD where it re-enters and goes back to Snow Hill under the same headcode (5S18). That second instance is the one that joins to the train in platform 1. Granted, it's not very obvious.
SimSig Boss
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5K08 to Join 5S18 at Snow Hill?? 06/12/2024 at 11:01 #159336
1831 posts
GeoffM in post 159335 said:
The 5S18 that's in platform 3 goes off to Tyseley TMD where it re-enters and goes back to Snow Hill under the same headcode (5S18). That second instance is the one that joins to the train in platform 1. Granted, it's not very obvious.
Thanks for the explanation Geoff.
I agree that it's definitely not obvious.

I couldn't see any reference to this in the Forum posts, so wondered if anybody else had encountered this problem.

Everything that you make will be useful - providing it's made of chocolate.
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5K08 to Join 5S18 at Snow Hill?? 06/12/2024 at 16:59 #159337
5322 posts
bugsy in post 159336 said:
GeoffM in post 159335 said:
The 5S18 that's in platform 3 goes off to Tyseley TMD where it re-enters and goes back to Snow Hill under the same headcode (5S18). That second instance is the one that joins to the train in platform 1. Granted, it's not very obvious.
Thanks for the explanation Geoff.
I agree that it's definitely not obvious.

I couldn't see any reference to this in the Forum posts, so wondered if anybody else had encountered this problem.
Not sure if this is the situation you were in but you need to keep in mind that if there are two trains with the same TD but different UIDs in sim, clicking on the TD displayed on the panel may bring up the TT for the other train. It is one of the little niggles in the way that SimSig works.

“In life, there is always someone out there, who won’t like you, for whatever reason, don’t let the insecurities in their lives affect yours.” – Rashida Rowe
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5K08 to Join 5S18 at Snow Hill?? 06/12/2024 at 17:05 #159338
1831 posts
As Geoff said, 5S18 did eventually arrive, albeit a bit late.

And it hung around for too long in platform 2 at Snow Hill for my liking, so I had to amend the timetable and authorise its departure to get it to the Turn-back to join 5K08.
Had I looked at its arrival time in the F4 listing I could have changed its entry time to a bit earlier to move things along a bit quicker.
Anyway, got there eventually.

Thought that this information might be useful to anyone else who encounters the same problem.

Edit: It got even worse as its forward working wasn't due to leave the North Turn-back for another 20 or so minutes. This would have caused severe delays to other trains so I had to change this time as well.

Someone else must have had this same problem surely, or it it just me and a heap of bad luck?

Everything that you make will be useful - providing it's made of chocolate.
Last edited: 06/12/2024 at 17:12 by bugsy
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5K08 to Join 5S18 at Snow Hill?? 06/12/2024 at 17:27 #159339
4017 posts
bugsy in post 159338 said:

Edit: It got even worse as its forward working wasn't due to leave the North Turn-back for another 20 or so minutes. This would have caused severe delays to other trains so I had to change this time as well.

Someone else must have had this same problem surely, or it it just me and a heap of bad luck?
They won't cause delays if you put them in the turnback sidings instead of the main line

"Don't stress/ relax/ let life roll off your backs./ Except for death and paying taxes/ everything in life.../ is only for now." (Avenue Q)
Last edited: 06/12/2024 at 17:28 by Steamer
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5K08 to Join 5S18 at Snow Hill?? 06/12/2024 at 20:08 #159340
1831 posts
Steamer in post 159339 said:
bugsy in post 159338 said:

Edit: It got even worse as its forward working wasn't due to leave the North Turn-back for another 20 or so minutes. This would have caused severe delays to other trains so I had to change this time as well.

Someone else must have had this same problem surely, or it it just me and a heap of bad luck?
They won't cause delays if you put them in the turnback sidings instead of the main line ;)
I suppose that I could have worked it out for myself since the next move would have been into platform 1 although I didn't find that out until I input the new TD. Then I changed that to platform 3 and so on until I got in a pickle 😐
The trouble was that I took the turn back to be the section of track between signal 459 and the white arrow.
I'll go back to an earlier save.

Edit: That's depressing. I've had to go back 3 saves, half an hour, to rectify my mistakes.
I seem to be having more problems playing this simulation than any of the others that I've played for quite some time. And this is even with all of
the failures set to zero. I can't imagine what it would be like even with some of the faliures set very low.

Everything that you make will be useful - providing it's made of chocolate.
Last edited: 06/12/2024 at 20:20 by bugsy
Reason: Added comment

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