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Down Decoy 5-7-Yard 1981-1996 era

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Down Decoy 5-7-Yard 1981-1996 era 27/01/2025 at 23:47 #160044
281 posts
what is the position on trains falling off the sim here ? is 5/6/7 different to the yard ?

Got myself in an awful pickle with trains in 5-7 and can't tell what's in what as there's no visibility or is it "your problem,deal with it "

kudos to mr chandler who wrote the 1981 timetable, feel like im throwing lumps of coal everywhere absolutely cracking fun

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Down Decoy 5-7-Yard 1981-1996 era 28/01/2025 at 07:45 #160045
122 posts
Down Decoy 5/6/7 are through sidings. If there's something sitting on them, you can see it on the Train list (press F2 for the pop-up window). Down Decoy Yard exit point is behind signal D1421 (under Siding 7).

For reference, you have a mini "scratchpad" under the yard sidings, where you can interpose the TD's of trains present on the through sidings or entering from the others via D1421.

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Down Decoy 5-7-Yard 1981-1996 era 28/01/2025 at 09:37 #160046
281 posts
i was treating 5/6/7 and the yard like Carlisle kingmoor its not documented either way how it behaves in the 81 era, its clear enough in the later ones.

the other yards are fine , that little shunting map on the up is fun to play with.

so the yard is an exit point but 5/6/7 are through lines with no track circuits ?

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Down Decoy 5-7-Yard 1981-1996 era 28/01/2025 at 10:04 #160047
281 posts
ok sorting this out now. Possible issue - if i stick an engine in Down Decoy No.6 it shows on the train list as being in No.5 which makes it really difficult to see which one its actually in

sg attached 0l06 is in DD6

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Down Decoy 5-7-Yard 1981-1996 era 28/01/2025 at 12:34 #160048
1114 posts
Not sure what you have done here, But from what I am seeing 0L06 in on Decoy No.6 this is suported by the fact that Train DDS6 is in front of 0L06, which is in road No.6.

Why 0L06 is reporting as being at No.5 is strange, but there are some odd factors to consider, at some point back you have abandoned his TT, From what I remember if you abandon a TT the loaction in F2 no longer updates so will report his last known loaction according his previous TT, It could be a case of you had put him No.5 then aboandoned the TT moved him out of No.5 then somehow put him into the wrong road (in this case No.6).

Boldly going forward 'cause we can't find reverse. Boldly going forward, still can't find reverse. Boldly going forward, and things are getting worse!.
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Down Decoy 5-7-Yard 1981-1996 era 28/01/2025 at 15:37 #160049
281 posts
yes I had to abandon it to clear out DDY . Thats fine thanks
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