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3 TC Failures within 13 minutes!

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3 TC Failures within 13 minutes! 03/02/2025 at 16:59 #160075
1830 posts
Thus could get interesting.

In his 1999 timetable that I'm playing, I've just had 3 TCF Failures in the space of 13 minutes, which I feel is incredibly unfortunate.

The one between Newark and the Carlton loops won't cause any problems as I can talk trains through it.
However, the other two are going to cause delays because, as can be seen, they both straddle junctions.

I've attached a screenshot to show people where they are and another with of the failure settings.

It'll be interesting to see how things progress 🤪

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Everything that you make will be useful - providing it's made of chocolate.
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3 TC Failures within 13 minutes! 04/02/2025 at 11:29 #160080
670 posts
Bit of lightning about today.
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3 TC Failures within 13 minutes! 04/02/2025 at 11:35 #160082
75 posts
flabberdacks in post 160080 said:
Bit of lightning about today.
With accompanying heavy rain and your ballast condition isn’t good?

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3 TC Failures within 13 minutes! 04/02/2025 at 11:45 #160083
670 posts
drew in post 160082 said:
With accompanying heavy rain and your ballast condition isn’t good?
Very handy when half the locations in the Doncaster box area are named 'Carr'

A bog or marsh; marshy ground, swampland.
A marsh or fen on which low trees or bushes grow; a marshy woodland.

(I learned a new word when these sims came out)

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