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Chicago L April 2017 Weekday
This'll be my first opportunity to host in a long while, so a nice simple sim.
Two workstations
5 routes, 3 fringes
I suggest reading the manual first as routing is a little unorthodox, but is really easy once you have the hang of it

Timetable is that that was in place from 2nd April 2017, now superseded. Compiled by myself, so you can blame me for some of the weird clashes that happen

It is a metro system, so there is a lot of trains close together & in high frequency
There is 120 second approach locking so incorrect signaling can really foul up the system

Estimated start time: 2100
Estimated run time: 2-3 hours, depending on interest, may terminate early

Panels may be rotated on a 20 minute clock if demand requires
Start Date/Time
18/12/2017 21:59:00
Simulations in use
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Chicago Loop

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