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Sydney to Newcastle Super Chain (Block 2)
The Australian Simsig Crew would like to host a large chain game on Saturday, 10th August, starting at 09:00AEST (00:00 UK)

We plan to connect the entire territory between the cities of Sydney and Newcastle, approximately 170km by rail, and run the 2011-10-23 timetable from 0400-2200.

There will be 26 workstations spread between four simulations:

Sydney Box (5)
Strathfield (6)
Sydney North (5)
Central Coast (10)

We plan to run three-hour blocks with short breaks in between.

Please indicate your interest and availability for each block, and also let us know which sims you own a license for. We will draw up a roster for panel allocation and publish it prior to the game.

Roster is now posted here, along with the TeamSpeak and game connection details! Looking forward to it. :)

Start Date/Time
10/08/2024 02:00:00
Simulations in use
Log in to see address and port details
Central Coast NSW , Strathfield , Sydney Box NSW , Sydney North
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License Visibility - Let the host know which licenses you own so they can roster you on a panel

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