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Operation notes affecting the Portsmouth Sim
Fratton Yard area slots
Cosham Level Crossing
Portsmouth Down Carriage Sidings
Easy Mode
Portsmouth & Southsea Terminators

Operation notes affecting the Portsmouth Sim

The following notes may be of use to users of the simulation.

Fratton Yard area slots

Access to Fratton Yard and Fratton CSD is controlled by slots released by the Fratton Shunt Frame operator. In real life these slots will self cancel after 30 seconds if the signaller does not set the route into the respective yard (see the Timetable section for details of where various locations are), however in the simulation this time has been extended to cancel the slot after two minutes. Slots are requested by placing a call to the shunter. The Fratton Depot slot corresponds to Fratton CSD, L/E to trains approaching the London (i.e. Portcreek Jn) End of the yard and C/E to Country (i.e. Portsmouth) End.

Cosham Level Crossing

Penalties are enforced for this crossing. A no train penalty is given after 5 minutes, and a further penalty given if the crossing is down for 8 minutes in total. It should be borne in mind that the road using this location has a significant amount of road traffic using it as it forms the major shopping street in the area.

In accordance with the rule book module TS9 clause 2.8 road traffic using this crossing will not constitute an obstruction and a train may be allowed to approach signal S53 on the Up Portsmouth line at danger with the level crossing in the raised position.

Portsmouth Down Carriage Sidings

These berthing sidings are also accessed by a shunters acceptance slot, as with the slots in the Fratton area the release for the Down Carriage Sidings also have a real life 30 second use, after which the slot self cancels. Again this has been extended to a two minute usage period.

Easy Mode

Easy mode is applicable to the 'Beginner' and 'Timetable Developer' scenarios, however only trains entering at Havant or Fareham will interpose a train description on entry. All trains entering in the Down Carriage Sidings and the yards at Fratton will need descriptions entering manually in all modes.

Portsmouth & Southsea Terminators

Extreme care needs to be taken with regards to services shown to terminate at Portsmouth & Southsea. Drivers of trains booked to terminate in platforms 3 and 4 at this location are keen company men and being booked for PNBs on arrival will accept any route into the station in order that they can quickly get to the PN room in order to avoid delaying their next working any more than is necessary.

Last edited by GeoffM on 15/09/2016 at 03:00