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London Bridge ASC (Mini-Sim)
Panel 1
Panel 2
Panel 3
Version History
Version 1.1 (27th November 2021)
Version 1.0 (9th October 2020)

London Bridge ASC (Mini-Sim)


London Bridge Mini-Sim is a cut down version of the full London Bridge ASC simulation. Rather than have two copies of the same information, this manual only describes the differences from the main manual linked to earlier.

This simulation covers panels 1 to 3 of London Bridge ASC. This is the Charing Cross, Cannon Street, and London Bridge High Level panels. No chaining is available (use the full simulation for that) but ARS has been provided.

Panel 1

This is identical to the full simulation.

Panel 2

This is identical to the full simulation.

Panel 3

Slots are used to control the connections to the Central side. This is, in fact, visually closer to what the signallers would have seen as the Central and Eastern (this panel) panels were on opposite sides of the room.

The Number 2 Reversible line is not slotted. In reality the signaller would have negotiated with the adjacent signaller so no slot is provided. In the simulation and in real life it was effectively first-come, first-served over that line.

Version History

Version 1.1 (27th November 2021)

0032021: [Issue] Same location indices (Loader V5.8.5)

0031627: [Question] Slot requests can be granted with conflicting route set

Version 1.0 (9th October 2020)

First release.


Splash1.jpg (C) Hugh Llewelyn. (CC BY-SA 2.0) (Resized) (Source)

Last edited by GeoffM on 26/11/2021 at 19:07