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Birmingham meet update - STILL GOING AHEAD!

*** Update ***

Despite the snow, this event is still going ahead. The networking gear is already in Birmingham so there will be some sort of game play going on. However, there may be insufficient laptops for a large game. Given the variability of the weather and what is open/closed/running/cancelled, we can only do our best with what turns up.

There will be no namebadges as Postal is snowed in near Newcastle. Don't concern yourself with updating your attendance. Stay safe.

Registration for the meet taking place at The Soloman Cutler 5 Broad St, Birmingham B1 2DS, UK on Saturday 3rd March 2018 is now open. More details of the meet can be found here.

If you register then find you are unable to attend, please come back to this page and cancel your registration.

Please note that the event time is that of the event's timezone, not necessarily your timezone

Event start date
03/03/2018 12:00:00
Event end date
03/03/2018 18:00:00
Registration start date
12/11/2017 00:00:00
Registration ends
02/03/2018 12:00:00
Maximum attendees
Maximum waitlist
Number of attendees
It is too late to book this event

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