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Telephone calls to Longannet Power Station

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Telephone calls to Longannet Power Station 08/04/2010 at 23:10 #1092
480 posts
I'm working on a post-SAK timetable and I am now testing it. However, when making courtesy calls to Longannet Power Station they always state "permission denied". Am I just getting a particularly belligerent signalman on the other end of the call or is this something which cropped up in testing?

It's not a huge problem with respect to the timetable as it's only a 5 point penalty for not making the courtesy call.

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Telephone calls to Longannet Power Station 08/04/2010 at 23:10 #8297
480 posts
I'm working on a post-SAK timetable and I am now testing it. However, when making courtesy calls to Longannet Power Station they always state "permission denied". Am I just getting a particularly belligerent signalman on the other end of the call or is this something which cropped up in testing?

It's not a huge problem with respect to the timetable as it's only a 5 point penalty for not making the courtesy call.

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Telephone calls to Longannet Power Station 09/04/2010 at 08:08 #8300
5232 posts
There may be some sort of generic bug, because I had a train sitting for 6 hours at Springburn waiting permission to enter St. Rollox last time I ran the sim. I eventually bit the bullet and sent it in anyway.
“In life, there is always someone out there, who won’t like you, for whatever reason, don’t let the insecurities in their lives affect yours.” – Rashida Rowe
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Telephone calls to Longannet Power Station 09/04/2010 at 12:40 #8307
6 posts
I too have had the same problem trying to get a train into St Rollox. Like Postal after about six hours or so I sent it in anyway.
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Telephone calls to Longannet Power Station 09/04/2010 at 21:26 #8332
Peter Bennet
5386 posts
Something not quite right there- without looking through the code the only time you should get a 'denied' is if you give a wrong TD.


I identify as half man half biscuit - crumbs!
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Telephone calls to Longannet Power Station 09/04/2010 at 21:37 #8333
1842 posts
Remember you need to type in full TD if more than the basic 4 characters.
I can only help one person a day. Today's not your day. Tomorrow doesn't look too good either.
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Telephone calls to Longannet Power Station 09/04/2010 at 21:38 #8334
480 posts
My TDs only have 4 characters.
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Telephone calls to Longannet Power Station 09/04/2010 at 22:39 #8337
5232 posts
Similarly only 4 characters in the train I was trying to get into St. Rollox.
“In life, there is always someone out there, who won’t like you, for whatever reason, don’t let the insecurities in their lives affect yours.” – Rashida Rowe
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Telephone calls to Longannet Power Station 11/04/2010 at 14:58 #8390
28 posts
I'm also getting this problem on the Edinburgh sim at Thornton Yard with 6G72-A. I'm entering the full six symbols.
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Telephone calls to Longannet Power Station 11/04/2010 at 16:48 #8396
276 posts
Me also have problem getting St.Rollox to accept 5N43 been hanging around for 4 hours and always permission denied. Its now 6.15pm so am assuming they've shut up shop for the day and didn't want anymore work to do - what a bunch of skivers think I'm gonna rename it St. Bollox. Driver now been told to go for it as his day is up. LOL
p.s. now they moan that I didn't have permission - so someone was working late!

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Telephone calls to Longannet Power Station 11/04/2010 at 17:58 #8405
Peter Bennet
5386 posts
The Cscot issue is because I originally had more call destinations but when I removed some I omitting to adjust something to take account of it. Doubt the EDB one is the same if it's only affecting one train.


I identify as half man half biscuit - crumbs!
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Telephone calls to Longannet Power Station 14/07/2011 at 15:36 #17623
86 posts
Hi Guys (and Girls if any here)

Just to ask about this , whilst the case is you get "Permission Denied" when you Call Longannet and or St Rollox works (or the Caley as its known locally) , I presume this is to be overlooked until an update is made?


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Telephone calls to Longannet Power Station 14/07/2011 at 16:28 #17626
989 posts
I havn't had that. Have you put the TD in correctly, eg 6G22-1 not just 6G22
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Telephone calls to Longannet Power Station 14/07/2011 at 18:39 #17644
276 posts
I was rightly or wrongly assuming that calls to Longannet were 'courtesy' calls and as such Longannet could not refuse a train. That would seem to be the scenario in the Edinburgh sim.
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Telephone calls to Longannet Power Station 14/07/2011 at 21:16 #17655
Peter Bennet
5386 posts
Quizman said:
I was rightly or wrongly assuming that calls to Longannet were 'courtesy' calls and as such Longannet could not refuse a train. That would seem to be the scenario in the Edinburgh sim.
That's correct (or it's what I've been told anyway). As far as the Sim is concerned the code is a straight copy and edit of previous examples and it maybe I need to adjust the wording, though I think the "denied" message is the catch-all if all tests are otherwise returned false.

I'll have to work out what I need to do to get it to "fail" first- as this is copied code I don't actually understand fully how it works!


I identify as half man half biscuit - crumbs!
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Telephone calls to Longannet Power Station 14/07/2011 at 21:34 #17657
Peter Bennet
5386 posts
Just to be clear, are people referring to "permission denied" or "permission denied train nXnn not in area" the former message I can't see you should ever get, if you do then I need to know the circumstances. If it's the latter then I can modify the message.


I identify as half man half biscuit - crumbs!
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Telephone calls to Longannet Power Station 14/07/2011 at 22:07 #17658
480 posts
Definitely "Permission denied".

Circumstances - train is timetabled to run to Longannet PS. Call is made to Longannet as train approaches Alloa Loops from Stirling. Reply is always as above.

P.S. Train ID in this test is 7X00 (not 7X00-1 or anything else) so 7X00 is used to identify train in call.

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Telephone calls to Longannet Power Station 14/07/2011 at 22:17 #17659
1803 posts
Is this not the issue highlighted here??
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Telephone calls to Longannet Power Station 14/07/2011 at 22:21 #17660
480 posts
Sorry! I was answering a question from the sim developer in relation to my original query. I will return to beneath my rock until someone says I can come out.

Night Night!

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Telephone calls to Longannet Power Station 14/07/2011 at 22:22 #17661
Peter Bennet
5386 posts
Can't get that message- get "Train nXnn is not expected" can you give me a step by step on what you did to get that message. As I say it's supposed to be a catch-all which you should only get if it's gone horribly wrong (and I can't work out how that'd ever be the case).


I identify as half man half biscuit - crumbs!
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Telephone calls to Longannet Power Station 14/07/2011 at 22:31 #17662
480 posts
Test train is timetabled from Stirling to Longannet PS (with timing points at Causewayhead Jn, Cambus Loops, Alloa Loops and finally Longannet Power Station.)

As train approaches Alloa Loops, a call is placed to Longannet PS (which I would assume is the correct procedure) and the "Courtesy call <Train ID> Power Station" option is selected. 7X00 is entered as train id.

No matter when the call is placed, e.g. when it's at Stirling or Alloa Loops, or points in between, the response is always "Permission denied". I have never seen any other response given.

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Telephone calls to Longannet Power Station 14/07/2011 at 22:39 #17663
Peter Bennet
5386 posts
Ah right I was testing with no train present. It does indeed and without going back through the iterations of the code file to remind myself why, what I can say is it is fixed for the next release (no date for that at this time).


I identify as half man half biscuit - crumbs!
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