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You are here: Home > Files > User-contributed > Timetables > Stockport > File Details - Stockport 1977 (00.00 start)

File Details - Stockport 1977 (00.00 start)

Stockport 1977 (00.00 start)

Hours of operation: 00.00 - 23.59 453 trains in timetable, varying by day

Welcome to 1977! Steam locos last ran around Stockport in 1968, but operationally little has changed. Trains still swap between diesel and electric traction at Stockport on a regular basis, even for journeys as short as 50 miles. There is a wealth of mail and parcels traffic, with portion workings and tail traffic on class 128 parcels units and frequent traffic of all types on the line to Guide Bridge.

Local passenger services are at least half-hourly throughout the day on all routes, with considerably more trains in the rush hours. Main line trains are hourly to London Euston and roughly every two hours between Manchester and points south of Birmingham. The Stockport-Stalybridge shuttle provides a roughly hourly service, enabling residents of Stalybridge and even Huddersfield to access the fast services to London Euston. All passenger trains call at Stockport except for one northbound instance of the Manchester Pullman. Delay the Pullmans at your peril…

The timetable is derived from the summer 1977 LM Region working timetables in my possession and the Sectional Appendix issued in early 1977.

User-contributed > Timetables > Stockport
08/03/2019 at 02:32
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Stockport 1977 (00.00 start).wtt

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