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You are here: Home > Files > User-contributed > Timetables > Penzance > File Details - Penzance 2021-06-04 SX

File Details - Penzance 2021-06-04 SX

Penzance 2021-06-04 SX

A fresh coat of paint on a lovely little simulation. With a total of 90 services, Penzance offers a quiet setting with some interesting features within. Single line operation, specific routing, a level crossing, and absolute block all make this quiet time that much more interesting. Don't forget to phone the Depot before sending a train in!! Also, who doesn't like having the Night Riviera roar in and out of your scope? Check out Penzance.

I do recommend playing this simulation at 3.0 to 5.0x speed.

The 05:05 1A73 Penzance-London Paddington has been relocated to P2. When programmed for P4, as intended in real life, the overall length of the train is 234 metres versus the 230 metres offered by the platform. As a result, the simulation would truncate the train to a length of 219 metres. This simply would not do.

The 12:04 1C80 London Paddington-Penzance was cancelled in real life on June 4, 2021 (the date simulated on this timetable) between Plymouth and Penzance due to an issue with the train crew. However, this also simply would not do, and the train is simulated nonetheless. Its return service 1A39 is also simulated as well.

User-contributed > Timetables > Penzance
12/06/2021 at 19:06
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7.8 KiB
File Name
Penzance 2021-06-04 SX.wtt

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