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Table of Contents

Panel 1
Regulation Notes
Signalling Notes
ARS Notes
Fringe Areas

Panel 1


Panel 1 controls the Main lines from the lower numbered platforms at Waterloo to Clapham Junction (Main). Generally the main focus areas are Waterloo and Clapham (including the east (left) end of the yard between the Main lines and Windsor lines.

Regulation Notes

You have a four track railway throughout and this should be used to your advantage. Stopping trains should use their booked lines and platforms but there's no reason why non-stopping trains shouldn't use whatever is available if congestion occurs. That said, try to co-ordinate with Panel 3 between Clapham Junction and Wimbledon.

The speed limit in the station throat is 15mph but this rises for outbound trains on most lines very soon after. Carlisle Lane Junction is 15mph over any pointwork reverse though, so ideally you need to get trains onto their intended outbound line in the station throat rather than over Carlisle Lane Junction where possible.

The Up Main Relief can be used in both directions. The Down direction from this to the Down Windsor Slow is at full linespeed so there is no speed/time penalty for using this connection.

In the Up direction, the Up Main Relief can be used to get trains into the higher numbered platforms a little quicker than using just the Up Main Fast. There are even situations where the first train on the Up Fast for platform 14 is routed onto the UMR because an outbound train from 12 crosses (and blocks) the UMR to Down Windsor, while the following train is routed onto the UMF for platform 10, thus resulting in a conflict in the station throat - but can actually be quicker because both trains are rolling, albeit at low speed, rather than checking them both at every signal. Watch out for the time-of-operation locking immediately beyond signal W6 though!

Don't let trains out of Clapham Yard until their booked path, unless you're sure you have a platform for it at Waterloo, or at its destination.

Signalling Notes

Long Trains

It is entirely possible to safely gridlock yourself outside Waterloo station with 8-car or longer trains. The rear end of such trains can block the fronts of each other. One simply has to be careful!

A 12-car train approaching Waterloo on the Up Main Relief is likely to block a second train approaching from the Up Main Fast. While the simulation may allow the use of "shunt forward" (equivalent to phoning the driver to edge forward a little), in reality this is unrealistic for various reasons:

  • Drivers are taught to stop around one car length from the signal (defensive driving)
  • The signal is high on a gantry so the driver has to stop a distance back in order to view it
  • There is restricted clearance so for trains without cab radios there is no easy way to contact the driver
  • Most drivers would refuse on the basis that it is a high SPAD risk: the driver would need to accelerate and then immediately brake with little margin for error or wheel slip.

Lime Street Control

Lime Street Control applies to platforms 1 to 19 at Waterloo. Each platform is divided into two track sections, the buffer/London end and the signal/country end. Each country end track section is 80m long, capable of holding a typical four car unit. The London end track section varies in length from 90m to 188m (see the section on Platform Lengths for full details).

Each of the approach signals into Waterloo (W2/W4/W6/W8/W10) has two track sections on the approach. The track section immediately at the signal (the berth track) is 90m long, capable of holding a typical four car unit. The next track varies in length and is not a useful method of measuring a train.

Therefore, with a train standing at W2/W4/W6/W8/W10, and that signal's berth track occupied and approach track clear, and the target platform's country end track clear, then that train will fit into that platform. In this situation the signal will show a subsidiary (calling-on) aspect.

However, the subsidiary aspect will also show if either the country end track is clear or the approach track is clear, so do not assume the signalling will prevent a too-long train from entering an occupied (or even empty) platform because it will not!

Short Track Sections

The berth track for W59 is very short, with the signal mounted on a gantry above the tracks. Thus, trains stopped at this signal may not occupy the berth track until the signal shows proceed, as they may not be able to see the signal if too close to it.

Clapham Yard Slots

The slotting arrangements for Clapham Yard have been simplified slightly to fit within the limitations of both Wimbledon and Clapham Yard being shown on the same VDU.

There are four slots relating to the Yard from panel 1. There are two requested by panel 1 and two granted by panel 1. When sending a train into the yard, request the appropriate "into yard" slot - up or down direction as appropriate. The slot will flash until granted by Clapham Yard.

When Clapham Yard wish to send a train out on to the main lines, the "out of yard" slot for either up or down will flash. Left click to grant the slot.


These signals are automatic but plated as non-passable.

ARS Notes

At Waterloo there are two train describer berths - last arrival (at the buffer end) and first departure. If a train divides then ARS may not be able to interpose both workings as there are insufficient TD berths. Platform shares (double docking) also require manual intervention for the same reason.

In full ARS mode the slots for Clapham Yard will automatically be requested and granted by ARS when appropriate.

There are no ARS oddities in this area.

Fringe Areas

Panel 1 does not fringe to any external signalbox.

Last edited by GeoffM on 15/09/2016 at 03:00