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Another Oddity - Solved Too

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Another Oddity - Solved Too 09/04/2010 at 11:36 #1094
74 posts
Currently at around 0830 in the sim. Some time about 0700 I've had a train divide at Queen Street and leave something behind on Platform 4. At least the track circuit shows occupied and if I try and route another train into P4 I get an "overlength" warning. However if I clear CQ68 signal nothing attempts to depart and the F2 list shows nothing waiting on that platform or at the signal. I guess there's a possibility it's a unit that should have attached on something else, but if that is the case how do I get rid of it.

Update - just solved during posting. It was something to do with 5N82 the odd ECS to Croy which I sent via Bishopbriggs but then can't reverse (think it should go via Springburn?). Message on F2 was "ran out of valid track" . Removing it from play has now got rid of the occupied track circuit but a bit odd as the original resource had turned into 2N82 at Croy then had a token diversion to Greenhill to reverse so why would it subsequently occupy a platform at Queen Street?

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Another Oddity - Solved Too 09/04/2010 at 11:36 #8302
74 posts
Currently at around 0830 in the sim. Some time about 0700 I've had a train divide at Queen Street and leave something behind on Platform 4. At least the track circuit shows occupied and if I try and route another train into P4 I get an "overlength" warning. However if I clear CQ68 signal nothing attempts to depart and the F2 list shows nothing waiting on that platform or at the signal. I guess there's a possibility it's a unit that should have attached on something else, but if that is the case how do I get rid of it.

Update - just solved during posting. It was something to do with 5N82 the odd ECS to Croy which I sent via Bishopbriggs but then can't reverse (think it should go via Springburn?). Message on F2 was "ran out of valid track" . Removing it from play has now got rid of the occupied track circuit but a bit odd as the original resource had turned into 2N82 at Croy then had a token diversion to Greenhill to reverse so why would it subsequently occupy a platform at Queen Street?

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