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Sheffield area delays

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Sheffield area delays 08/07/2013 at 00:42 #46753
3 posts
Hello there,

I have been using SimSig Sheffield for sometime now and find it a brilliant game.
I really enjoy having trains enter with long delays into the area and trying to catch up the itenary. However when I have this option on of 'Train Delay Probabilty' it always happens where I get delays in my area (e.g 2P61 delayed at Mexborough due to requiring a fitter etc..). Is there any way where you can have trains delayed upon entering the area but no delays when in the area.


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Sheffield area delays 08/07/2013 at 04:17 #46756
2158 posts
" said:
Hello there,

I have been using SimSig Sheffield for sometime now and find it a brilliant game.
I really enjoy having trains enter with long delays into the area and trying to catch up the itenary. However when I have this option on of 'Train Delay Probabilty' it always happens where I get delays in my area (e.g 2P61 delayed at Mexborough due to requiring a fitter etc..). Is there any way where you can have trains delayed upon entering the area but no delays when in the area.

Sheffield is an older sim. The delays on entry is not available in its timetables. The newer sims do have the option.


Barry, Sydney, New South Wales, Australia
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