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Welcome to Wimbledon ASC. As the name suggests, this signal box is located in the Wimbledon area - and actually has a good view of the tracks it controls. The original signal box opened in 1990 in stages and had four panels (signaller positions) sat at desks with a large back panel. A fifth panel, completely separate from, and also a different design, to the main panel opened later, controlling the Barnes area. This fifth panel is not simulated in the Wimbledon simulation and is featured as part of our Feltham simulation.

Wimbledon is the only panel application of an ARS installation. However, ARS is only enabled in certain areas in real life. The simulation lets you choose between three ARS modes - off, as per real life, and full ARS. The TD berths on the real panel have four indicator lights that show if the train is running to ARS or not.

Wimbledon is designed for four or five players (depending on whether Clapham Yard is run as an independent panel - it can be absorbed into panel 1 without causing the panel 1 signaller too much stress). However, with full ARS switched on and level crossings switched off, it is perfectly possible for one person to supervise the whole area, despite 60+ trains during rush hour!

Click on the image below for a full size view of the whole area. Depending on your browser, you may need to click on the picture a second time to view full size.

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