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The current Huddersfield Box, located on Platforms 4 &amp; 8 was commissioned on 30th November 1958 to control from Diggle and Penistone through to Deighton.The simulation also includes Diggle Junction box, but the whole area is suitable for a single player. It's a good learning simulation with a mix of short and long sections, single- and double-track, colour light and semaphore signalling, shunting, terminating, and run-through trains.

<em>Click on the picture below to view full size</em>

<a href="images/Huddersfield.png"><img src="images/Huddersfield.png" border="0" alt="" width="640" /></a>

Download the simulation from the <a href="index.php?option=com_remository&amp;Itemid=257&amp;func=fileinfo&amp;id=856">downloads</a> area, buy a license from the <a href="index.php?option=com_hikashop&amp;ctrl=product&amp;task=show&amp;cid=75&amp;name=huddersfield&amp;Itemid=317&amp;category_pathway=25">shop</a>, and read the <a href="dokuwiki/doku.php?id=simulations:huddersfield">manual</a>
