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Event Details

Manchester Meet, 19th November 2022

The venue is:

Escape to Freight Island (Former Manchester Mayfield Station)
11 Baring St,
M1 2PZ

Please remember to come back here and cancel your registration if you sign up then find you are unable to attend.

Further information to follow on a wiki page. General meet FAQs are here.

The details are published as the best information available at the time of posting and have been confirmed by the venue. Any changes after this time will only be as the result of unforeseen circumstances which are beyond our control..

Please note that the event time is that of the event's timezone, not necessarily your timezone

Event start date
19/11/2022 12:00:00
Event end date
19/11/2022 18:00:00
Registration start date
08/06/2022 23:00:00
Registration ends
17/11/2022 16:00:00
Maximum attendees
Maximum waitlist
Number of attendees
It is too late to book this event

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Event Discussion
15/06/2022 at 23:42
Although I have said I may say for the after-event meal that will depend very much on my travel arrangements. If I can come up with something satisfactory on that front in terms of timings then I will stay.
12/10/2022 at 13:53
Getting closer. Can't wait to attend my first meet.
05/11/2022 at 16:09
casey jones
looking forward to manchester meet what is on the menu not beer and food but sim etc


14/11/2022 at 12:38
@Casey Jones Best bet is looking here. We're trying to speculate what we could be doing, but it will be a new tester I presume
18/11/2022 at 18:09
Unable to attend now, and the cancel button won't let me cancel, so just posting to advise. Hope you have a good day folks.