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File Details - West Yorkshire Sep 2023

West Yorkshire Sep 2023

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The TT data is based on 6th September 2023. Stock data from "a small enthusiast website" has been added where known. Freight allocations found with the help of user reports at ltsv.com and the WTT's (YH10, YH11, YH13).

This timetable chains to Leeds Ardsley, Doncaster North, Sheffield and Leeds EW (v1.0 or higher).

Operational Notes
Check your simplifiers! Some conflicts exist as per WTT/CIF data and early-running freight will need to be judiciously regulated.

There is a sim bug [Mantis 39479] whereby trains from Hare Park sometimes disappear when regulating stop is used at Crofton West Jn. Affected trains have been adjusted to passing times and these are shown in the train notes [0Z98, 4E08, 4E23, 4E24, 4M52, 6D97, 6E87, 6E99, 6M31 and 6M52]. Similarly, Mantis 39545 affects Methley Jn and so 0D53 and 6D97 have been set to pass this location.

Version History
v0.6 20231017 - First Release
v0.7 20231026 - Compatibility with DN. Minor corrections to rules.
v0.8 20231230 - Changes to freight types (thanks jc92)
v0.9 20240601 - Tweaks for chain compatibility
v1.0 20240818 - Compatibility with Leeds EW, other minor corrections

User-contributed > Timetables > West Yorkshire
18/08/2024 at 08:47
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File Size
80.6 KiB
File Name
West Yorkshire Sep 2023.WTT

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