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File Details - Sheffield Sep 2023

Sheffield Sep 2023

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The TT data is based on 6th September 2023. Stock data from "a small enthusiast website" has been added where known. Freight allocations found with the help of user reports at ltsv.com and the WTT's (YH09, YH16).

This timetable chains to Leeds Ardsley (v0.9 or higher).

Operational Notes
- The North Siding is OOU in real life, it has been used in this timetable to enable all the required ECS movements to be completed.
- Some stopping trains entering from Moorthorpe are set to non-ARS, to ensure a blocking route is not set across the Down Conisbrough.
- 6E49 should be made non-ARS (or collar on 706) when approaching Kilnhurst DGL, to avoid ARS locking up the line.
- The additional reverses required to enter Barrow Hill Up Sidings North End mean that 0M79,4V18,0O01/6O01 may arrive slightly late.
- The line speed between Woodhouse Jn and Woodburn Jn is too slow in the sim for the timetabled services, so Lincoln services lose 2-3 minutes.
- The distance between 142 and 147 signals is quite short. Certain reversing moves will need signalling to Nunnery Jn. This is also the case for the Through Line - notes are added to the services where required.
- There are a lot of ECS movements in Sheffield that are not in the official timetable data. These have been inserted as best as possible but headway is extremely tight and you'll need to keep these strictly as timed.
- An issue with signal 113 (TLA into TLB) reverting when a train enters/departs the North Siding is known.
- 6U85 enters a planned possession (between Mill Race Junction and Meadowhall stations includive) at Brightside Junction which is due to be taken at 24:35.

Remember: "ARS is an aide, not a replacement signaller"!
Special attention is needed at Dore where ARS can set class 2's ahead of class 1's coming from Chesterfield, and at Swinton. Manual route-setting is almost always required at Sheffield for position-light signals and calling-on movements into platforms.

Version History
v0.8 20240601 - Initial Release
v0.9 20240702 - Minor corrections, including 2Z94. Return rules for Huddersfield shuttle added.
v1.0 20240818 - Minor corrections for chain compatibility.
v1.1 20240822 - Fixed issue with re-entry rules for 2B (HUD) services.
v1.2 20240928 - Correction to 7M19 as reported on forum

User-contributed > Timetables > Sheffield (ROC)
28/09/2024 at 19:55
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143 KiB
File Name
Sheffield Sep 2023.WTT

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