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Cambridge 1977 v1.1 12/10/2009 at 16:54 #32 | |
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Originally submitted by Peterbennet. Should be compatible with Kings Cross and Peterborough. “In life, there is always someone out there, who won’t like you, for whatever reason, don’t let the insecurities in their lives affect yours.” – Rashida Rowe Log in to reply |
Cambridge 1977 v1.1 12/10/2009 at 16:54 #3508 | |
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Originally submitted by Peterbennet. Should be compatible with Kings Cross and Peterborough. “In life, there is always someone out there, who won’t like you, for whatever reason, don’t let the insecurities in their lives affect yours.” – Rashida Rowe Log in to reply |
Cambridge 1977 v1.1 13/10/2009 at 19:24 #3616 | |
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Comments extracted from old Forum: Davidb Signaller Username: Davidb Post Number: 29 Registered: 10-2006 Posted on Sunday, 22 July, 2007 - 01:28 pm: I've only done the first hour so far. 5L44, 5N56 and 6E65 didn't appear. 6C32 doesn't have an entry point. Cheers David ...oOo... Michaelhendle Area signalling manager Username: Michaelhendle Post Number: 121 Registered: 11-2004 Posted on Sunday, 22 July, 2007 - 08:19 pm: Hi David, If you look in the time table editor you will find that these 4 services are only listed to run 50% of the time, that means they don't always show up. If you want them to run all the time you have to increase the percentage to a 100%, if less then decrease the percentage. Hope that answers your question about missing services. ...oOo... Peterbennet Moderator Username: Peterbennet Post Number: 1602 Registered: 5-2004 Posted on Sunday, 22 July, 2007 - 09:11 pm: All services are set to run 100% of the time, I don't know why these particular ones have not entered. I'll get back to you. Peter There seems to be a problem with the TT analyser, there are some problems with a couple of trains. (Message edited by peterbennet on July 22, 2007) TOCGAME: Online multiplayer train management game: free to join and play. ...oOo... Michaelhendle Area signalling manager Username: Michaelhendle Post Number: 122 Registered: 11-2004 Posted on Monday, 23 July, 2007 - 09:36 am: Hi Peter, I've just checked my time table for the new 1977 one and every train is listed to run 50% of the time. Michael ...oOo... Etuk Area signalling manager Username: Etuk Post Number: 116 Registered: 8-2004 Posted on Thursday, 16 August, 2007 - 10:15 am: Hi Peter I have come across a problem at March, 4P07 arrives at March at 1015 but doesn't depart until 10.54. Which seems fine, until 1e62 appears at 10.13 and is schedule to arrive at March at 10.32 and depart 10.33. Also 2p77 appears at 10.23 which will also get blocked at March as due to arrive 10.40 and depart at 10.40. Unfortunately as March is blocked this isn't possible, is the 4P07 meant to arrive at March Up Reception Sdgs instead? (Message edited by etuk on August 16, 2007) ...oOo... Peterbennet Moderator Username: Peterbennet Post Number: 1621 Registered: 5-2004 Posted on Thursday, 16 August, 2007 - 12:04 pm: Michael The 50% thing must be some default parameter as I never set it. It is only operative if the tick-box it ticked. ETUK, I'll put that in the to do list, thanks. Peter TOCGAME: Online multiplayer train management game: free to join and play. ...oOo... Etuk Area signalling manager Username: Etuk Post Number: 117 Registered: 8-2004 Posted on Thursday, 16 August, 2007 - 01:57 pm: another one for you peter, 5b32 at Royston Down Loop turns into 5b90, which then straight away separate the loco 0b90 to runaround, however, the seperation takes place at the wrong end, cause the loco to say it can't depart due to train in front. Suggest it should be worded as 5b32 Divide 0b90, next train 5b90 and then 5b90 to say join 0b90. Reached 12.05 so far and plan to run until end of timetable so will post anymore that i find along the way. ...oOo... Etuk Area signalling manager Username: Etuk Post Number: 118 Registered: 8-2004 Posted on Thursday, 16 August, 2007 - 05:08 pm: here some more for you as well peter Trains into Whitemoor Yard, some trains have passing times written into their timetable, this means once they enter the yard they report being stopped at a red signal, can be fix by change the time to a terminate time instead of a passing time. So far I found about 15 trains like this. 0V59-3 - needs a change on the joining details, says to join 6V59, should say join 6V59A, otherwise it just reports Train in Front and doesn't join. 8N16 - might be a bug in the software but I received this trains 12 hours 30 mins early from whitemoor Yard More to follow as i find them ...oOo... Etuk Area signalling manager Username: Etuk Post Number: 119 Registered: 8-2004 Posted on Thursday, 16 August, 2007 - 06:03 pm: 6V47 and 8L34 cause a conflit on the Ely Curve, both want to access it at the same time. 5L33 and 0L33-B had a problem trying to join them but was resolved by the usual trick of moving the train up a bit to let the loco in the sdgs to join. (Message edited by etuk on August 16, 2007) ...oOo... Etuk Area signalling manager Username: Etuk Post Number: 120 Registered: 8-2004 Posted on Saturday, 18 August, 2007 - 07:14 pm: some more for you peter 0B11-2 - Rules need changing to say how many minutes after 1P30-2 arrives at Foxton otherwise the loco doesn't appear (at present this say 0 minutes needs to be amended or deleted) 0B13-2B - Rules need changing to say how many minutes after 0B13-2A leaves the area otherwsie loco doesn't appear (says 0 minutes at present, needs to be amended or deleted) 1B38 due to arrive at March at 2038 and depart 2039, however 3M20 arrives at 2035 and doesn't depart until 2045, thus causing a conflit at March. ...oOo... Peterbennet Moderator Username: Peterbennet Post Number: 1628 Registered: 5-2004 Posted on Saturday, 18 August, 2007 - 10:15 pm: Hmm, there should be no problem with 0 minutes, it's just a holding instruction to make sure it does not enter before needed. Plenty others have it so it must be something else. Peter TOCGAME: Online multiplayer train management game: free to join and play. ...oOo... Peterbennet Moderator Username: Peterbennet Post Number: 1629 Registered: 5-2004 Posted on Saturday, 18 August, 2007 - 11:31 pm: Right, rule 0B11-2 did not work because Foxton is not a timetabled point in 1P30-2 so it is never recorded as passing to trigger the rule. However, my test produced 0B13-2B as expected so can't explain that one. 4P07, I'll shove that in the Up Reception sidings, I suspect it used one of the now redundant platforms Royston RR fixed and working. Not exiting at Whitemoor (and March TMD for that matter) on passing times seem to be a bug and has been reported. More later....... Peter TOCGAME: Online multiplayer train management game: free to join and play. ...oOo... Etuk Area signalling manager Username: Etuk Post Number: 121 Registered: 8-2004 Posted on Sunday, 19 August, 2007 - 12:31 pm: completed timetable peter so they are all the problems i found, some great planning needed around cambridge at times which was fun. Track failure and points failure can cause mayhem in cambridge and Ely North Junction ![]() “In life, there is always someone out there, who won’t like you, for whatever reason, don’t let the insecurities in their lives affect yours.” – Rashida Rowe Log in to reply |
Cambridge 1977 v1.1 12/02/2010 at 17:58 #6633 | |
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First off all can I thank the creators of this sim and the 1977 timetable for the many hours of fun that I have had. I'm a great fan of older timetables as you tend to get more freight and, of course, all the light loco moves that were necessary before introduction of HSTs/EMUs/Sprinters etc. In my opinion these differences tend to compensate for the fact that services back then were often less intensive than they are today. I've currently run through the 1977 timetable upto about 16-30 and I've noticed a few quirks: some mentioned previously, others not: 1. A couple of class 9 freights (9L12 and 9L23) call in reporting incorrect route set onto freight line. I see this has been mentioned before and I will try ticking the 'use freight linespeeds' box in their train characteristics next time I run through this timetable. 2. All Doncaster -> Cambridge DMUs (1P13, 1P15, 1P17) and Cambridge -> Doncaster DMUs (1D11, 1D12, 1D13) also call in reporting incorrect route set onto freight line. Why are these trains routed via Whitemoor yard? Not being familiar with this area I would naively assume they would run via Peterborough thence the ECML to Doncaster which would obviate the need to route via a freight line. As always, I look forward to being enlightened by those SimSiggers that are in the know !! Log in to reply |
Cambridge 1977 v1.1 12/02/2010 at 19:01 #6636 | |
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Re question 2 - I'm not sure of the full history but I'm guessing these trains ran over the old Great Northern and Great Eastern Joint Railway line between March and Spalding which closed in the early 80's and that the timetable writer has tried to reflect that as accurately as possible.
Planotransitophobic! Log in to reply |
Cambridge 1977 v1.1 12/02/2010 at 19:25 #6637 | |
Peter Bennet
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Sorry, I the sim has been updated since I wrote the timetable so there maybe inconsistencies in it- If you can draw up a list of them and email me I'll look into fixing sometime. As stated there used to be a route from March to Spalding and Doncaster. Glad you enjoy it. Peter I identify as half man half biscuit - crumbs! Log in to reply |
Cambridge 1977 v1.1 05/03/2010 at 14:58 #7098 | |
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Peter, First of all there is no need for an apology. I appreciate the time and effort volunteered by developers and timetable writers so that I can freely enjoy SimSig. Apart from the peculiarities (to me at least) that I mentioned in my earlier post as part of this thread, the only other issue that I have encountered so far is with the rules for train 5C15. I think its rule needs changing to "must not depart Cambridge P1 until 2 minutes after 0Z15-A". As the rule currently stands, 5C15 just ends up blocking P1 and causing all sorts of chaos as a result (because I didn't realise why it was sitting there like a lemon and so I just left it hoping that it would eventually do its thing) !!! I do remember a train later in the evening not receiving its loco but I don't recall its TD and the lack of a loco might have been caused by all the chaos that ensued from 5C15. Will check this out the next time I play this timetable - bored with Cambridge at the moment so I have moved onto Sheffield for the time being which is my locality. Haven't emailed you as you had asked in your reply to my earlier post because I don't know where to find your email address Log in to reply |
Cambridge 1977 v1.1 05/03/2010 at 17:46 #7099 | |
Peter Bennet
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Thanks, I'll find some way of filing this in a to-do folder. Peter I identify as half man half biscuit - crumbs! Log in to reply |
Cambridge 1977 v1.1 06/03/2010 at 08:41 #7117 | |
Peter Bennet
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Quote:I think its rule needs changing to "must not depart Cambridge P1 until 2 minutes after 0Z15-A".Interesting point as 5C15 joins 0Z15-A and later 0Z15-C and at a guess it's the latter join that has the restiction, not the former. The question is- is the sim distinguishing between the two joins- answer would seem to be no. Class 9s fixed. Ticked the freight flag for the Doncaster trains, hopefully there are few speed differentials to slow them down. Peter I identify as half man half biscuit - crumbs! Log in to reply |