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Hyde Park Sdg to New Yard route never clears

You are here: Home > Forum > Simulations > Released > Exeter > Hyde Park Sdg to New Yard route never clears

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Hyde Park Sdg to New Yard route never clears 01/02/2021 at 13:36 #136938
586 posts
the route E669 > E537 > 641 will never clear, because
- E669 is double red, only shows proceed if E537 does too.
- therefore the train never occupies P2 track circuit.
- the shunt route on E537 only clears when TC is occupied.
- E669 therefore never clears to proceed.

This is in the Tiverton Junction era.

Last edited: 01/02/2021 at 13:37 by Dionysusnu
Reason: None given

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Hyde Park Sdg to New Yard route never clears 01/02/2021 at 17:30 #136941
4010 posts
Thanks; looks like this one's already been logged (#19630).
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