LB 2012 TT

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LB 2012 TT 30/08/2024 at 17:43 #158365
39 posts
Very good timetable but many trains entering twice from various entry points. Angerstein wharf,Sidcup,New Beckenham,Nunhead,Tulse Hill and ELL at New Cross gate towards depot. Am i doing something wrong,i havent experienced this before and i own many sims?
Last edited: 30/08/2024 at 18:02 by traindriver17
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LB 2012 TT 30/08/2024 at 20:18 #158366
180 posts
Please share a save of the game so we can look into it
The train now standing on platform 2, should be on the rails
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LB 2012 TT 31/08/2024 at 12:13 #158370
1049 posts
traindriver17 in post 158365 said:
Very good timetable but many trains entering twice from various entry points. Angerstein wharf,Sidcup,New Beckenham,Nunhead,Tulse Hill and ELL at New Cross gate towards depot. Am i doing something wrong,i havent experienced this before and i own many sims?
The TT that you are using is a user contributed TT and therefor you would need to message the author. If it's the 2012 sunday then you will be looking for @Underwood, If it's the April 2012 then it's @TimTamToe.

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The following user said thank you: traindriver17
LB 2012 TT 31/08/2024 at 18:35 #158375
39 posts

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Last edited: 31/08/2024 at 18:55 by traindriver17
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LB 2012 TT 04/09/2024 at 20:40 #158407
180 posts
It looks like it is the @TimTamToe timetable but it looks like you have opened the timetable in a weird way, by going to Menu > Timetable > Open (merge with current). Twice. Which is why you have duplicate entries - there are duplicate trains in the F4 under the Timetables tab, duplicate train types and duplicate rules & Decisions

Instead of opening the Sim, then opening the timetable as you have done, put the timetable in the appropriate folder and then open the timetable through the loader. Below is where you'll find the directory for the full London Bridge sim

There is not a good way to undo this double loading of the timetable that won't take you hours. I would recommend abandoning your progress, then launching the timetable again through the loader.

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The train now standing on platform 2, should be on the rails
Last edited: 04/09/2024 at 20:41 by rfw
Reason: None given

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The following users said thank you: traindriver17, TimTamToe
LB 2012 TT 05/09/2024 at 15:18 #158415
39 posts
Thanks for your help all working fine now!
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