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North London line Sim?

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North London line Sim? 15/01/2025 at 14:39 #159933
2 posts
Hi all

I see many references in various places to a new version of the very old NLL sim being released at some point. Does anyone know if this is still happening, and, if so, when it could be released?

Also if not is there anywhere where the old sim can be found online?

Thank you!

Last edited: 15/01/2025 at 14:40 by class90skoda
Reason: None given

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North London line Sim? 15/01/2025 at 15:30 #159934
35 posts
I'm unsure as to whether there are plans to re-do the old one, but as for availability, no, the old exe sims are not available anywhere. The documentation and timetables exist for those that still have them as legacy support.
Basically... What it is driver... We uh....
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