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1974-75 Times

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1974-75 Times 17/01/2025 at 00:22 #159965
1451 posts
Has anyone got a 1974-75 timetable they could scan a page or two from for me ?

I am doing a Euston 1975 TT and something is not looking right on the DC lines 0800-0900.

The public TT would be fine - just to sort out what was Bakerloo and what was Broad Street.
Not feeling it worthwhile punting £10 for the whole GBTT



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1974-75 Times 17/01/2025 at 10:53 #159966
211 posts

I have got a May 75 May 76 public TT I could scan.


Glyn Calvert ACIRO
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1974-75 Times 17/01/2025 at 23:36 #159967
1451 posts
Hi Glyn,

Yes that could solve it as long as they did not change the times again.
If you can scan the morning peak DC's from Watford for me please, and the Richmond/Watford to Broad St too if you don't mind.

1973-4 was a 20 minute each to Euston (xx10, xx30 etc) / Broad St (xx00, xx20) and the Bakerloos in between at xxx5 giving a 5 min service out of Watford
Then in 1974-5 (where I have the Euston station WTT) the Eustons were at 15 minute intervals (0745, 0800, 0815) so clash with the 0800 I was expecting to Broad St


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1974-75 Times 18/01/2025 at 05:54 #159968
211 posts

They had changed again so I don't think it will help much.


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Glyn Calvert ACIRO
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The following user said thank you: bill_gensheet
1974-75 Times 18/01/2025 at 12:29 #159969
1451 posts
Thanks Glyn. That does answer all the questions

Shows that it was not a straight 20 minute service to Broad St (0741, 0756, 0821, 0841) alongside the 15min interval to Euston.
The main change looks to have been spreading out the 4 Watford - Bakerloo services a bit more (from 0745/0755/0805/0815 to 0736/0751/0806/0826).

With the 0812 and 0828 from WillesdenLL via Gospel Oak and the standard Richmond services that gave Broad St 9 arrivals in the hour, before you consider the GN side services !

Last edited: 18/01/2025 at 12:43 by bill_gensheet
Reason: None given

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The following user said thank you: geswedey