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1E57 has an odd timetable.

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1E57 has an odd timetable. 19/01/2025 at 21:46 #159978
1830 posts
I'm playing the 1999 timetable and 1E57 has reversed at Newark Crossing East, stopped at Newark Northgate P3 and has come to a stop in the platform but at signal D74 facing in the UP direction.
As its next working is towards Boultham JN, for which I have set the route (screenshot), it should be waiting at signal D77 facing in the DOWN direction.
The timetable is also incorrect because 1E57 has already reversed at Newark Crossing East Jn and is at P3 already.

I just abandoned the timetable, reversed the train and set the next location as Newark Crossing East JN.
Problem solved.

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1E57 has an odd timetable. 20/01/2025 at 10:50 #159981
3712 posts
It looks like 1E57 failed to step up its timetable at Newark East, ie failed to recognise it had passed/stopped there, which has caused it to get lost and it isn't expecting to stop at Newark. As a result it hasn't and has run to the signal at the platform end.

The confusing part of this is that normally failing to step up for a reversal would leave it running towards Lincoln, but this has clearly stopped, reversed and run into Newark which is bizarre.

I'm away from access to the sim currently, so I haven't run your save but do you have one from before it reversed at Newark East to attempt a recreation? Also did you interfere with it in anyway at Newark east ie a manual reversal via the train list for instance, or did it reverse "naturally" as expected?

"We don't stop camborne wednesdays"
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1E57 has an odd timetable. 20/01/2025 at 17:42 #159984
1830 posts
jc92 in post 159981 said:
It looks like 1E57 failed to step up its timetable at Newark East, ie failed to recognise it had passed/stopped there, which has caused it to get lost and it isn't expecting to stop at Newark. As a result it hasn't and has run to the signal at the platform end.

The confusing part of this is that normally failing to step up for a reversal would leave it running towards Lincoln, but this has clearly stopped, reversed and run into Newark which is bizarre.

I'm away from access to the sim currently, so I haven't run your save but do you have one from before it reversed at Newark East to attempt a recreation? Also did you interfere with it in anyway at Newark east ie a manual reversal via the train list for instance, or did it reverse "naturally" as expected?
Thanks for your interpretation of the train movements. I don't recall interfering with 1E57 at Newark East, but in order to straighten things out, I did have to eventually amend the timetable to get it going towards Boultham JN.

I have attached an earlier save (10.20) as requested. Good luck 🙂

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1E57 has an odd timetable. 20/01/2025 at 17:43 #159985
96 posts
Afternoon it is mentioned about this in the opening info for the Timetable regarding trains reversing at Newark East going into Newark North Gate and coming back out again. This was reported when the Timetable was produced but I don't think a MANTIS ticket has ever been raised for the issue.


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1E57 has an odd timetable. 20/01/2025 at 17:48 #159987
1830 posts
0D07 in post 159985 said:
Afternoon it is mentioned about this in the opening info for the Timetable regarding trains reversing at Newark East going into Newark North Gate and coming back out again. This was reported when the Timetable was produced but I don't think a MANTIS ticket has ever been raised for the issue.

It's been quite a long time since I read those notes and had totally forgotten about them., as I do most things these days.

Perhaps the powers-that-be will raise a Mantis ticket for it. Fingers crossed 🤞

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1E57 has an odd timetable. 20/01/2025 at 19:36 #159989
1114 posts
I have taken a look at what was mentioned, this issue seems to be that Newark Flat crossing is set as a Stop. If Newark Flat crossing is set to passing, then the train behaves properly.

What seems to be happening is if Newark Flat crossing is set as a stop the train will travel to D88 (rev) and stop there treating that location as the flat crossing, whether that is correct behaviour I am unsure, but reported for investigation.

Mantis 41791

Boldly going forward 'cause we can't find reverse. Boldly going forward, still can't find reverse. Boldly going forward, and things are getting worse!.
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