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Sydney Model Railway Exhibition Oct 5th-7th 2019

Come and see SimSig at the Sydney Model Railway Exhibition, located at Sydney's Olympic Park (see Strathfield NSW simulation)! Lots of models and sellers too.

Please note: this is not a SimSig event. Just spreading the word! No registration necessary here, but tickets for the event can be bought on their website:

Please note that the event time is that of the event's timezone, not necessarily your timezone

Event start date
05/10/2019 09:00:00
Event end date
07/10/2019 16:00:00
Registration start date
10/09/2019 08:00:00
Registration ends
10/09/2019 08:00:00
Maximum attendees
Maximum waitlist
Number of attendees
Event cannot be booked because it is oversubscribed

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