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Smethwick West station location/position

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Smethwick West station location/position 23/06/2024 at 04:00 #157643
1842 posts
Is the location of Smethwick West (up) platform correct?
2G92 reporting delayed at that location, but appears to be on preceding TC and behind signal SJ20 prior to station.

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Last edited: 23/06/2024 at 04:00 by AndyG
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Smethwick West station location/position 23/06/2024 at 17:36 #157648
6366 posts
The data says it's on the next track to your picture, ie the correct place. Can't tell if there is a timetable issue from a screenshot.
SimSig Boss
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Smethwick West station location/position 24/06/2024 at 20:11 #157659
1285 posts
AndyG in post 157643 said:
Is the location of Smethwick West (up) platform correct?
2G92 reporting delayed at that location, but appears to be on preceding TC and behind signal SJ20 prior to station.

I am not sure if the location given by the Birmingham NS is correct. A look at the Stourbridge Junction sim would reveal that SJ20 is not located on the curve towards New Street and is, in fact, the last signal on the Up Stourbridge before Smethwick Junction as per the attached screenshot.

Smethwick West is, on the New Street sim anyway, shown on what is I think the line which goes through Galton Tunnel but I would be happy to be proven wrong: pity there isn't a late 1990s era for the SJ sim to clarify.


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Last edited: 24/06/2024 at 20:12 by DaveHarries
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Smethwick West station location/position 24/06/2024 at 20:55 #157661
3976 posts
The drawing of the New St sim is correct; the sequence is SJ20-> Smethwick West station-> Smethwick Jn points-> Galton Tunnel. See this Streetview image from 2008 on Nine Leasowes Road where you can see the back of SJ20 on one side of the bridge and the remains of the station on the other: https://www.google.co.uk/maps/@52.5014086,-1.985372,3a,70.2y,84.58h,72.96t/data=!3m7!1e1!3m5!1s7HcpjQzOobpN10lCY4P7-Q!2e0!5s20080701T000000!7i13312!8i6656?coh=205409&entry=ttu

I'd agree with Andy though that the sim internals don't reflect the drawn layout, as the train (if delayed in the platforms at Smethwick Jn) should be shown beyond SJ20.

"Don't stress/ relax/ let life roll off your backs./ Except for death and paying taxes/ everything in life.../ is only for now." (Avenue Q)
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Smethwick West station location/position 25/06/2024 at 10:25 #157664
11 posts
Until the lines to Snow Hill reopened in 1995 SJ20 was at the end of the platform at the Birmingham end

Prior to the 1990 Stourbridge .resignalling scheme it was controlled by Smethwick Junction SB, with a slot from New Street.

Not relevant to the reported issue I know but might be intereseting to some.

Last edited: 25/06/2024 at 10:32 by pjm38uk
Reason: None given

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Smethwick West station location/position 25/06/2024 at 21:01 #157674
3976 posts
pjm38uk in post 157664 said:
Until the lines to Snow Hill reopened in 1995 SJ20 was at the end of the platform at the Birmingham end

Prior to the 1990 Stourbridge .resignalling scheme it was controlled by Smethwick Junction SB, with a slot from New Street.

Not relevant to the reported issue I know but might be intereseting to some.
I think that answers it, actually- the train is stopping in the correct place but the platform is drawn in the wrong place on the sim display.

Mantis 41037

"Don't stress/ relax/ let life roll off your backs./ Except for death and paying taxes/ everything in life.../ is only for now." (Avenue Q)
Last edited: 26/06/2024 at 12:49 by eps125
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Smethwick West station location/position 26/06/2024 at 16:15 #157681
11 posts
It's possibly trickier than that. I've just been comparing a digital photo of an official drawing of the Stourbridge 1990 resignalling I have, no idea where I got it from so its probably someones copyright so best not to attach, and a photo of the WMSC Stourbridge Workstation from 2013 at http://photos.signalling.org/picture?/16337/category/1546-2013_february

The sequence of track circuits on both are the same -
DG - from points just beyond points 314B at Langley Green to where SJ20 is now (but there was a banner reapeater there until SJ20 moved)
DJ - covering the platform to the old position of SJ20
DK - covering the junction points 309

so looks like when they moved SJ20 the track circuits possibly didn't change, SJ20 just ended up being at the end of DG rather than DJ ?

DJ is the tiny TC just before the junction shown on Dave's screenshot of the Stourbridge SIM.

SIM wise it's probably only an issue on New Street for those trains booked to call at Smethwick West on TTs for before 1995. On the Stourbridge SIM Smethwick West station isn't even a location as it simulates the post Snow Hill reopening period.


Last edited: 26/06/2024 at 16:17 by pjm38uk
Reason: None given

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Smethwick West station location/position 26/06/2024 at 16:39 #157682
3976 posts
pjm38uk in post 157681 said:
It's possibly trickier than that. I've just been comparing a digital photo of an official drawing of the Stourbridge 1990 resignalling I have, no idea where I got it from so its probably someones copyright so best not to attach, and a photo of the WMSC Stourbridge Workstation from 2013 at http://photos.signalling.org/picture?/16337/category/1546-2013_february

The sequence of track circuits on both are the same -
DG - from points just beyond points 314B at Langley Green to where SJ20 is now (but there was a banner reapeater there until SJ20 moved)
DJ - covering the platform to the old position of SJ20
DK - covering the junction points 309

so looks like when they moved SJ20 the track circuits possibly didn't change, SJ20 just ended up being at the end of DG rather than DJ ?

DJ is the tiny TC just before the junction shown on Dave's screenshot of the Stourbridge SIM.

SIM wise it's probably only an issue on New Street for those trains booked to call at Smethwick West on TTs for before 1995. On the Stourbridge SIM Smethwick West station isn't even a location as it simulates the post Snow Hill reopening period.

As DJ is the overlap TC, there would have to have been changes somewhere when the signal moved- the overlap previously must have extended over the junction pointwork.

It's not critical for New St as that sim combines several TCs on the display anyway- not unusual where neighbouring box's TCs are repeated in another box.

"Don't stress/ relax/ let life roll off your backs./ Except for death and paying taxes/ everything in life.../ is only for now." (Avenue Q)
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Smethwick West station location/position 26/06/2024 at 18:32 #157683
6366 posts
Because there are 3 (as far as I can tell) versions of this junction in New Street's existence, and the complexity of the chaining over different eras, meaning a lot of work for no real benefit, and breaking existing saves, I'm not changing this. The junction is, as noted above, simplified on the display (IRL and on the sim) as New Street does not need to know all the TCs and pointwork in Stourbridge's/Smethwick's area, and the sim is correct for at least one iteration of that junction.
SimSig Boss
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