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Saltley LIP location?

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Saltley LIP location? 27/11/2024 at 21:40 #159287
1831 posts
I started the 2009 timetable (midnight start) in October last year but didn't get very far.

Thought that I'd give it another go starting at 04:45 but quickly got a problem.
Train 0M02 is on the UP Main at Washwood Heath No.1 and is bound for Saltley LIP.
I can't find this location on the track diagram. Could someone please tell me where it is.


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Saltley LIP location? 27/11/2024 at 21:48 #159288
586 posts
It is the entry/exit point on the left side of the U&D Camphill Through Sdg, behind signal 457.
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Saltley LIP location? 27/11/2024 at 22:24 #159289
1831 posts
Dionysusnu in post 159288 said:
It is the entry/exit point on the left side of the U&D Camphill Through Sdg, behind signal 457.
That's flaming obvious now that you have pointed it out. Thanks for that.
Next question is how do I get there? The timetable isn't of any help 😐

Everything that you make will be useful - providing it's made of chocolate.
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Saltley LIP location? 27/11/2024 at 22:38 #159290
586 posts
For 0M02, looks like it's meant to go straight from Landor Street Jn into the Camphill Through Siding (Duddeston Jn, platform CHTS), and reverse there to go into the LIP. If the train is already on the Up Main at Washwood Heath, it can't do that anymore. You might have to route it to signal 221 on the Down & Up Goods, and tell the driver to manually reverse there. Then route it in via 214-212-458-LIP.
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Saltley LIP location? 28/11/2024 at 01:04 #159291
1050 posts
bugsy in post 159289 said:
Dionysusnu in post 159288 said:
It is the entry/exit point on the left side of the U&D Camphill Through Sdg, behind signal 457.
That's flaming obvious now that you have pointed it out. Thanks for that.
Next question is how do I get there? The timetable isn't of any help 😐
Hi Bugsy.

I've attached 3 seperate screenshots from the start of sim, The TT (stating CHTS) and a wee diagram of the area with the expected movement. Washwood heath No1 isn't in that TT, so I wouldn't have expected the train to end up there.


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Saltley LIP location? 28/11/2024 at 11:59 #159293
1831 posts
Thank you both for providing me with all of this information.

Looks like I will have to look more closely at the timetables in order to ensure that a particular route is actually possible.
If it isn't, I'm sure that I could work out what is the best option.


Everything that you make will be useful - providing it's made of chocolate.
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Saltley LIP location? 28/11/2024 at 14:45 #159294
1831 posts
Dionysusnu in post 159290 said:
For 0M02, looks like it's meant to go straight from Landor Street Jn into the Camphill Through Siding (Duddeston Jn, platform CHTS), and reverse there to go into the LIP. If the train is already on the Up Main at Washwood Heath, it can't do that anymore. You might have to route it to signal 221 on the Down & Up Goods, and tell the driver to manually reverse there. Then route it in via 214-212-458-LIP.
I didn't realise that CHTS referred to the Camphill Through Sidings.
Now that you have told me, I can see that's what CHTS means 🙂

Everything that you make will be useful - providing it's made of chocolate.
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Saltley LIP location? 28/11/2024 at 14:47 #159295
1831 posts
Hi Hap.

Your diagrams make everything clear to me now 🙂

Thanks again.

Everything that you make will be useful - providing it's made of chocolate.
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