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First payware

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First payware 02/02/2025 at 16:23 #160061
2 posts
Hey guys, I'm looking for a new challenge after playing multiple sims like carlisle.
I like a challenge as I'm a real life signaller although in Belgium so I'm used to bi-di signalling 😂.
I was looking at doncaster station but open for suggestions.

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First payware 02/02/2025 at 17:10 #160062
1830 posts
ydh652 in post 160061 said:
Hey guys, I'm looking for a new challenge after playing multiple sims like carlisle.
I like a challenge as I'm a real life signaller although in Belgium so I'm used to bi-di signalling 😂.
I was looking at doncaster station but open for suggestions.
I think that Doncaster Station would be a good option, especially the 1981 timetable. Plenty to do.

Also have a look at Central Scotland and Kings Cross.

No doubt you'll get different suggestions from other players, maybe some that I haven't got.

Everything that you make will be useful - providing it's made of chocolate.
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The following user said thank you: ydh652
First payware 03/02/2025 at 09:05 #160071
281 posts
many of the newer sims - not all - come with automatic route setting - doncaster station does not which makes it a bit more "trad" . However you can turn it off if you want.

Tyneside with the 2024 timetable is a hoot

One sim I keep on going back to is Birmingham New Street with *that* timetable, someday I'll do a perfect run

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First payware 06/02/2025 at 14:29 #160105
17 posts
If you are keen to try an Australian one, Sydney Box is extremely busy and Sydney North I'm finding has quite good balance so far
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