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Game Details

Rugby South and Rugby Central
Please note that TeamSpeak is the preferred method of communication both verbal and written and there is more information on it below:


Note that usually Channel OH1 is my preferred channel if available at the time of a session being hosted.

Signallers are expected to keep a constant view of their panel and of approaching services, likewise signallers are expected to communicate with each other in good time with regards to services that are either early running or late running.

Signallers are also encouraged to keep delays to a minimum although there will be times that delays cannot be avoided!

ARS is NOT in use as all trains must be signalled manually.

Finally the host reserves the right to step in as and when needed.
Start Date/Time
18/01/2020 19:30:00
Simulations in use
Log in to see address and port details
Rugby SCC Centre , Rugby SCC South
DaveHarries 18/01/2020 at 15:57
Joe S 18/01/2020 at 16:11
tjfrancis 18/01/2020 at 18:25

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Game Discussion
18/01/2020 at 18:40
Please join TS first to be allocated a panel, thank you