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SimSig Victoria South Eastern Panel 6
City Thameslink
Signalling Arrangements
ARS Subareas
Known Issues

SimSig Victoria South Eastern Panel 6


This panel covers the fringe with West Hampstead at Farringdon, through Blackfriars, and on to Loughborough Junction.


This sub-surface station is reached by a steep downhill gradient from Blackfriars which is above ground. Up trains through platform 1 will perform station stop duties at VS350.

The gradient from VS358 at Blackfriars down to VS354 is 1 in 29. Trains thus proceed with caution down that hill with a maximum speed of 15mph, especially if VS354 is at red.

Signalling Arrangements


Routing into the sidings does not require a slot. However, if the selected siding is already occupied, the track circuit override must be operated before the signal will show a proceed aspect. To do this, right click on the red circle next to the letter T for the appropriate siding.

Routing towards WH481 (towards Farringdon) requires a slot. Left click the green circle adjacent to signal VS346. It will start flashing. Once West Hampstead have given the slot it will turn solid white whereupon route can be set from VS346 to WH481. The slot may be left given by West Hampstead until they require it back so you may not need to request it for every train. They will not be able to grant the slot if a train is coming off the Moorgate branch (in earlier West Hampstead eras).


Signal VS348 is only capable of showing a single yellow or red aspect. The signal will only show a proceed aspect once a route is set from VS346 due to the short distance between the two. Consequently, VS352 is only able to show single yellow, double yellow, or red.


Signal VS358 at Blackfriars to VS354 will not show a proceed aspect until the tracks are clear all the way to signal VS346, or the points immediately on the approach to VS346 are reversed. However, route and overlap locking will only show as far as signal VS350.


(Modern era only) Route must be set from VS802 to VS800 before route is set from VS396 to VS800. ARS cannot set routes in reverse order so this move must be made manually.


London Bridge is in control of this signal. Set route towards this signal and London Bridge will take over from there.


Trains coming up from Metropolitan Junction will approach this signal before coming under Victoria's control. London Bridge will operate the "London Bridge request on L44" slot request. You respond by clicking on either the "Acceptance on Up Blackfriars Spur" or "Acceptance on Down Blackfriars Spur" depending on the train's timetable. Regardless of either operated, London Bridge can still choose to route towards VS376 without further cooperation with yourself. However, to route via the Down Blackfriars Spur requires that slot to be given. London Bridge will then route as far as the fictional VS674VS676 signal. You should then set route from VS674VS676 to either VS674 or VS676 according to the timetable. L44 will not show a proceed aspect in this situation until you have set route from VS674VS676.

ARS Subareas

Identity Description
CITYTLK City Thameslink
BLFR Blackfriars
ELCSTL Elephant & Castle and Southwark Bridge Junction
LGHRJ Loughborough Junction


Panel 6 connects to panels 8 and 9 in the vicinity of Loughborough Junction. No special operation is required for trains in either direction to/from either panel.

The panel also interfaces with West Hampstead at the north (left) end and with London Bridge between Blackfriars Junction and Metropolitan Junction. Operation of these fringes has been discussed above.

Known Issues

Sometimes trains terminating at City Thameslink and returning back south (right) proceed too far into City Thameslink station from Blackfriars to give the TRTS at the right-hand end. Check the train's timetable and set route at the appropriate time.

When chained to West Hampstead auto working for VS346 may not work correctly. Cancel the route and re-set it, requesting the slot if necessary first.

Trains terminating at City Thameslink from the Blackfriars direction and continuing into the sidings drop out of ARS after the next working has been interposed if at signal VS350. However, ARS will kick back in at signal VS346. This issue is therefore just a spurious "entering off planned path" message which can be ignored.

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Last edited by GeoffM on 15/09/2016 at 03:00