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Edinburgh Reference Section
Trains via Millerhill
ARS Information
Sub-Area Details
Edinburgh Waverley

Edinburgh Reference Section


Trains via Millerhill

As described in the Millerhill panel notes , trains can be diverted to run through Millerhill Yard.

However, trains which are booked to run via Millerhill must use two separate schedules, split at Millerhill Yard. Appropriate timetable rules must also be created to ensure trains don't enter towards Monkontall before they've left the area at Newcraighall and vice-versa.

ARS Information

For the purposes of writing and understanding timetables the following information is important. See also ARS timetable writing for the basic ARS timetable conventions.

In this sim, as a rule, trains running normally will have the same codes in both directions and will be in the format xL where x is a variable depending on the line being referred to, e.g. FL is Fife Line Up and Down. Ux and Dx are used where a train is running ‘wrong-line’ on the relevant line. E.g. UF means train travelling in the Down direction on the Up Fife line.

DPL/UPL, and DGL/UGL are used for the passenger/goods loop respectively, in the majority of cases this particular code will be used in the Platform box to tell the train to diverge from the xL which will remain the appropriate code for the Path and Line.

In specific instances special codes will be required and their use will be explained.

Table of Line Codes

Code Line name
C Cowdenbeath
EG Edinburgh & Glasgow
F Fife
M Both Midcalder and Berwick lines
N Newburgh
S Shotts

Princes Street Gardens to Haymarket West Jn

DS Down South
US Up South
DN Down North
UN Up North

Other Codes

(not necessarily an exhaustive list)

GJ Gorgie Junction
WJ Winchburgh Junction
DJ Dalmeny Junction
TWJ Thornton Wast Junction
TSJ Thornton South Junction
TNJ Thornton North Junction
LGT Longannet Line
YD Yard
SFD Slateford
CRM Crombie
HWJ Haymarket West Junction
HCJ Haymarket Central Junction
SL Calton Tunnel South line
NL Calton Tunnel North line
REV trains reverse at this location; sometimes a signal number may also need to be inserted as a platform

Sub-Area Details

Included in the table are the default stopping point which timetable writers can overwrite for specific trains:

  • F=Far end;
  • N=Near end;
  • NR= Near end for reversing trains only, otherwise Far end.

Where the box is blank the default is F, but these are locations where you are unlikely to want to know that information

At some locations e.g. ‘firstlocation’, I’ve said “trains for otherlocation can be sent there non-ARS”, that means that the possibility of sending the train to ‘otherlocation’ is not recognised by ARS but if you manually signal a train timetabled for ‘firstlocation’ to ‘otherlocation’ an arrival/departure will be ticked off as though it had gone as timetabled.


Location TIPLOC (or code) STOP Notes
Burntisland BISLND NR
Sig EU472 BISLND472 NR Reversing point No Path or Line codes
Aberdour ABDO
Kinghorn KGHN


Location TIPLOC (or code) STOP Notes
Crombie CRMBRND Exit point with OCC control
ECRMBRND Entrypoint with OCC control
Longannet PS LNGANPS Exit point Trains will pass at Longannet
ELONG Entry See here?
Alloa ALLOALP Exit point. Trains will pass at Alloa
EALLOALP Entry point. See here?
Townhill Yard & Loops TNHLJN F Path Line and Platform YD used to/from yard. Plat DL1 and DL2 for Down loops: 1 is the top loop. Location will auto insert for through trains
ETOWN Entry point
Townhill Sig EO934 TNHLEO934 NR Reversing point No Path or Line codes
Townhill Sig EO903 (rev) TNHLE903 NR Reversing point No Path or Line codes; trains for Headshunt can be sent there non-ARS
Headshunt TNHLHS N No Path or Line codes; trains for EO903 can be sent there non-ARS
Dunfermline Queen Margaret DNFRMQM NR Location will auto insert for through trains
Dunfermline Town DNFRMLE NR Line LGT for Longannet trains Location is mutually exclusive with Charlestown Jn in UP direction Location may be omitted from DOWN trains with Charlestown Jn in timetable
Charlestown Jn CHTNJN F Path and Line LGT for Longannet trainsLocation is mutually exclusive with Dunfermline Town Jn in UP direction If used DOWN trains can omit Dunfermline town from timetable
Elbow End Jn ELBOWNJ F Path CRM for Crombie, and LGT for Longannet Location will auto insert for Longannet line trains


Location TIPLOC (or code) STOP Notes
Cowdenbeath CWDNBTH NR
Sig EC941 CWDN941 NR Reversing point no Path or Line codes


Includes the North Queensferry Interlocking Area

Location TIPLOC (or code) STOP Notes
Dalmeny Dn Yd DLMYDY F Not an exit, entry for seeding purposes only
EDALD F Entry for seeding purposes only
Dalmeny Up Yd DLMYUY F Exit location
North Queensferry NQNSFRY F Location will auto insert for through trains
Dalmeny Loops DLMYPL NR Line WJ for Winchburgh Jn, location can be omitted when not required
Dalmeny Jn DLMYJN F Line and Path WJ for /to Winchburgh Jn
Sig EY953 DLMY953 NR Line FL and UF required to route trains
Sig EY958 DLMY958 NR Reversing point at Dalmeny station
Dalmeny DLMY


Location TIPLOC (or code) STOP Notes
Drem Engineering DREMCE Exit point
EDREM Entry point
Drem Loops DREMUPL NR Use Path DL to reverse at EF822
Use Plat UPL/DPL to use loops
Interchangeable with Drem station
Drem Station DREMJ F Interchangeable with Drem Loops
North Berwick NBERWCK F Terminus, no entry or exit
Drem South (rev) DREM821 NR Sig EF821 Reversing point
Drem LOS DREMLOS NR Reversing point


Location TIPLOC (or code) STOP Notes
Torness TORNESS Not an exit, entry for seeding purposes only
ETORNESS Entry for seeding purposes only
Dunbar Rail Terminal OXWLSUP Exit point
EOXUP Entry point
Oxwellmains Cement OXWLMNS Exit point
EOXDN Entry point
Dunbar Down Siding DUNBDCE Exit point
EDUNBSID Entry point
Dunbar Up Siding DUNBUCE Exit point
EDUNBUCE Entry point
Dunbar UP GF DUNBUCEGF Interchangeable with Dunbar station.
Oxwellmains Crossover OXWLCO
Oxwellmains Sig 811 OXWLCOED811 NR Reversing point
Oxwellmains Sig 812 OXWLCOED812 NR Reversing point
Dunbar South (rev) DUNBSR NR Reversing point sig ED815
Dunbar North (rev) DUNBNR NR Reversing point sig ED818
Dunbar DUNBAR NR Station, can be used for trains using the GF though stopping point will need to be set.
Dunbar DF LOS DUNBLOS F Limit of shunt on Down Fast
Dunbar DF GF DUNBGF F Ground Frame stopping point
Stenton Crossovers STENTON F

Edinburgh Waverley

Location TIPLOC (or code) STOP Notes
Edinburgh Waverley EDINBUR F All station platforms.
Edinburgh Waverley (East) EDINBURE F Platforms 1 and 10, together with South Loop East.
Trains diverted to Platform 20 and 21 or South Loop Sidings will also be accepted.
Edinburgh Waverley (West) EDINBURW F Platforms 11 and 19, together with South Loop West and North Loop.
Trains diverted to Platform 20 and 21 or South Loop Sidings will also be accepted
Edinburgh North Loop Sidings EDINNLS F Siding only
Edinburgh Sig E821 EDINBURE821 NR Reversing point
Edinburgh Sig E830 (rev) EDINBURE830 NR Reversing point
Calton Tunnel (rev) CALTON NR Reversal behind Sigs E813 and E815, enter sig number in platform field
Mound Tunnel (rev) MOUND NR Reversing point
Princes St Gardens PRNCSTG F
Princess St Gardens (rev) PRNC846 NR Reversing point behind E846 and E848, use signal number in platform field
Abbeyhill Junction ABHLJN NR Auto-inserted location for through train, also used for trains reversing behind E811- use path and line codes ‘REV’ for this


Location TIPLOC (or code) STOP Notes
Berwick upon Tweed BRWCKUT Exit point
EBERICK Entry point
Grantshouse Engineers Siding GTHSCE Exit point
EGRANT Entry point
Reston Up Engineers RESTOUC Exit point
ERESTU Entry point
Reston Down Engineers RESTONC Exit point
ERESTD Entry point
Reston RESTON NR Reston Crossovers - auto insert location
Reston Sidings GF RESGF NR Reston GF reversing point (both lines)
Grantshouse GTHS F
Grantshouse N (rev) GTHNR NR Reversing point at EG804
Grantshouse S (rev) GTHSR NR Reversing point at EG801
Innerwick INNERWK F Auto insert location


Location TIPLOC (or code) STOP Notes
Gorgie Jn GORGIEJ F Path and Line Codes HCJ and HWJ for trains to Haymarket Central and West Jns respectively
Haymarket TMD HAYMTMD F Exit. request SLOT to send trains to depot. Trains entering the depot will pass any train waiting to leave
EHAYMD F Entrance Down. Arriving trains will pass
EHAYMU F Entrance UP. Arriving trains will pass
West Jn HAYMRWJ F Path and Line codes GJ from and to Gorgie Jn
West Jn (rev) HAYMRWJREV NR Reverses behind Sigs EH936 and EH938, specify which in Platform field
Central Jn HAYMRCJ F Path and Line codes GJ from and to Gorgie Jn
Central Jn (rev) HAYMRCJREV NR Reverses behind Sigs EH921, EH926 or EH928 specify which in platform field
East Jn (rev) HAYMREJE NR Reverses behind Sig EH907, trains can also be manually reverse behind EH905. 907 required in platform field
Haymarket HAYMRKT F
South Gyle STHGYLE
Edinburgh Park EDINPRK


Location TIPLOC (or code) STOP Notes
Yard IVRKYD Exit
EIKYD Down direction entry
EIKYU Up direction entry
Rosyth Docks ROSYTHD Exit point. Entering and exiting trains will pass at RD9
EROSDK Entry, trains will enter at Rosyth Docks and be held at signal RD9 awaiting slot release by Edinburgh. Signalbox will phone after 4 minutes if not released and line is clear. Entering and exiting trains will pass at RD9
East Jn IVRKEJN NR Line INJ for North Curve
North Jn IVRKNJN NR Line INE for North Curve Trains for Down Headshunt reversal can be sent there non-ARS. Location will auto insert between Inverkeithing and Dunfermline Town/Charlestown Jn locations.
North Curve IVRKTNC NR Lines INJ and IEJ for North Junction and East Junction respectively
Central Junction IVRKCJN NR Mutually interchangeable with Goods Loop location except for reversals at EV802 and EV821. Path and Line REV for reversals at EV821. Location not required for through trains
Goods Loop IVRKTGL NR Mutually interchangeable with Central Jn location except for reversals at EV802 and EV821. Location not required for through trains
Headshunt Down IVRKHSD N Trains for North Jn reversal can be sent there non-ARS
Headshunt UP IVRKHSU N Trains for Inverkeithing reversal can be sent there non-ARS
Inverkeithing IVRKTHG NR Line DKS for Rosyth dockyard. Trains for LOS reversal can be sent to Up Headshunt non-ARS
Dalgety Bay DALGETY


Location TIPLOC (or code) STOP Notes
Up Siding KCLDYDD NR Not an exit, entry for seeding purposes only
EKYU NR Entry for seeding purposes only
Down Siding KCLDYYD Exit
EKYDD DOWN direction entry
EKYDU UP direction entry
Seafield SEAFLD Exit. Entering and exiting trains will pass
ESEA Entrance. Entering and exiting trains will pass
Kirkcaldy KCLD NR
Sig EK838/842 KCLD838 NR Reversing behind Signals EK838 or EK842, specify which in platform field
Sig EK844 KCLD844 NR Reversing point no Path or Line codes


Location TIPLOC (or code) STOP Notes
Cupar CUPAR Exit point
ECUPAR Entry point, no slot controls. E button to control Signal CP14 for level crossing protection?
Hilton Jn HILTONJ Exit point
EHILTON Entry point, trains will enter at Hilton Jn and be held at signal HJ7 awaiting slot release by Edinburgh. Signalbox will phone after 4 minutes if not released and line is clear. Slot not required before Edinburgh can send a train to Hilton Jn. Trains will pass at HJ7
Ladybank LADYBNK NR Path “REV” used for Down arrivals reversing to UP direction.
Ladybank Sig EB879 LADY879 NR Reversing point No Path or Line codes
Ladybank Sig EB886 LADY886 NR Trains reversing at Branch Loop can be sent here non-ARS
Ladybank Sig EB896 LADY896 NR Reversing point No Path or Line codes
Ladybank Branch Sdg LADYBBS F No exit
ELADYB Entry point
Ladybank Down Sdg LADYBDS F No exit
ELADYD Entry point
Ladybank Up Sdg LADYBUS F Is an Exit
ELADYU Entry point
Ladybank Branch Loop LADYBHL NR Plat “BL” Trains reversing at Sig 886 can be sent here non-ARS
Ladybank DGL/Sig EB894 LADYDGL NR
Springfield SPFD


Location Bo'ness DPL is provided for train regulation purposes, any train booked there will leave the Sim at that point

Location TIPLOC (or code) STOP Notes
Bo'ness DPL BONSSDPL F Exit location for regulation
Polmont Jn POLMNTJ F Exit location
EPOL Entry
Linlithgow Eng LNLTHCE F Not an exit, entry for seeding purposes only
ELINENG Entry for seeding purposes only
Linlithgow LNLTHGW NR Line UPL for loop trains, Line DEG for siding trains
Linlithgow UPL LNLTUPL NR Location not required for through trains


GF operation: There is a second point lever that needs to be used to send trains to either the Yard or Auchmuty. This is necessary as otherwise the OCC control will get mixed up. This lever is not required for trains entering the Sim from the yard/Auchmuty.

Location TIPLOC (or code) STOP Notes
Markinch Yd MKYD Exit point, layout representation is not geographically correct.
EMKYD Entry point, layout representation is not geographically correct.
Auchmuty AUMTY Exit point with OCC control
EAUCHM Entry point with OCC control
Markinch MKIN NR Location will auto insert to through trains.
Sig ER878 MKIN878 NR Reversing point no Path or Line codes
Sig ER871 MKIN871 NR Reversing point no Path or Line codes


Location TIPLOC (or code) STOP Notes
Kaimes KAIMES Not an exit, entry for seeding purposes only. Worked by ground frame.
EKAIMES Entry for seeding purposes only. Worked by ground frame.
Carstairs East Jn CRSTRSE Exit point
ECARST Entry point
Midcalder Engineers MDCLDSID Not an exit, entry for seeding purposes only. Worked by ground frame.
EMIDCS Entry for seeding purposes only. Worked by ground frame.
Westcalder Siding WCALDRS Not an exit, entry for seeding purposes only. Worked by ground frame.
EWCAL Entry for seeding purposes only. Worked by ground frame.
Shotts SHTT Exit point
ESHOTT Entry point
Kaimes GF KAIMGF N Ground frame stopping point
Kirknewton KRKNWTN F Station
Midcalder Jn MDCLDRJ F Up Shotts is located behind EJ722
Midcalder Jn Sigs EJ982/985(rev) MDCLDJREV NR Reversing points Midcalder lines behind EJ982 and EJ985
Midcalder Jn Sigs EJ992(rev) MDCLDJ992 NR Reversing point Shotts line behind EJ992.
Midcalder Goods loop MDCLDRL NR Goods loop on Shotts line
Livingston South LVNSTNS F Note this station has a hidden berth with TD in a Qberth, altering a TD may cause problems
West Calder WCALDER NR Note this station has a hidden berth with TD in a Qberth, altering a TD may cause problems.
West Calder Sig EJ994 WCAL994 NR Reversing point Shotts line behind EJ994. Note this Location has a hidden berth with TD in a Qberth, altering a TD may cause problems
West Calder GF WCALGF N Ground frame Note this Location has a hidden berth with TD in a QBerth altering a TD may cause problems
Addiewell ADIEWEL


Location TIPLOC (or code) STOP Notes
Millerhill MLRHY Exit point Trains booked via Musselburgh can be diverted through the yard
Millerhill (Monktonhall) EMILLERUP Entrance at Monktonhall
Monktonhall Jn MNKTNHJ F
Monktonhall Sig EM844 (rev) MNKTNHJEM844 NR Reversing point
Monktonhall Sig EM841 (rev) MNKTNHJEM841 NR Reversing point
Musselburgh MSELBGH
Wallyford WALLYFD


Location TIPLOC (or code) STOP Notes
Newbridge Siding NWBGCE F Exit location
ENEWBR F Entry location
Bathgate Yard BTHGTC F Exit location
EBATH F Entry location
Newbridge Jn NWBG NR Line BGT for Bathgate trains
Newbridge Loop NWBGDPL NR Line BGT for Bathgate trains, location may be omitted from through trains
Sig EN942 NWBGEN942 NR Reversing point, no Path or Line codes
Sig EN943 NWBGEN943 NR Reversing point, no Path or Line codes
Sig EN946 NWBGEN946 NR Reversing point, not Path or Line codes
Bathgate BTHGATE F Terminus, no entry or exit
Carmondean Jn CRMNDNJ
Livingston N LVNSTNN


Location TIPLOC (or code) STOP Notes
Powderhall PWDRHLL Exit point with OCC control
EPOWDER Entrance point with OCC control No route to/from Craigentinny CS
Craigentinny CS CRGNFHH Exit point Slot request for lines 3 & 4
ECRAIG1 Entrance line 1
ECRAIG2 Entrance line 2
ECRAIG3 Entrance line 3
ECRAIG4 Entrance line 4
Craigentinny East Depot CRGNTNY Exit point
ECRAIGDEP Entrance slot
Portobello Up Siding PORTUCE Exit point
Leith LEITHS Exit point
ELEITH Entrance
Millerhill (Niddrie) EMILLERDN Entrance at Niddrie
Millerhill MLRHY Exit point Trains booked via Musselburgh can be diverted through the yard
Niddrie South Jn NIDRISJ F Mutually exclusive with Newcraighall in down direction
Newcraighall NCRAGHA NR Mutually exclusive with Niddrie S Jn in down direction
Newcraighall Turnback MLRHM21 NR Reversing point
Portobello Jn PORTOBL F Omitted for Down trains from Niddrie North Jn Auto inserted for ML trains
Niddrie North Jn NIDRINJ F Omitted for Up trains from Portobello Jn
Niddrie West Jn NIDRIWJ F
Niddrie Sigs EP633/605 (rev) NIDRIWN NR Reversing point
Niddrie West Sigs EP864(rev) NIDRIEP864 NR Reversing point
Signal Portobello Jn Sig EP853(rev) PORTOBLEP853 NR Reversing point
Craigentinny Jn CRGNTYJ F Auto insert location Omitted from UP trains from Powderhall
Craigentinny Sig EP624 CRGN624 F Required for UP trains from Powderhall vice Craigentinny Jn
Craigentinny Sig EP860(rev) CRGN860 NR Reversing point
Leith Loop LEITFLP NR Path and Line codes required
Brunstane BRUSTAN


Location TIPLOC (or code) STOP Notes
Blindwells BLWLOC Exit point
EBLIND Entry point
Cockenzie Power Station CCKNZPS Exit point with slot
ECOCKEN Entry point
Prestonpans Engineering PPANUCE Exit point
EPRESTPAN Entry point
Blindwells Sig EA566 (rev) BLINDR NR Sig EA566 reversing point
Prestonpans PPAN F Auto inserted if Prestonpans Loop is not in timetable. Interchangeable with Prestonpans Loops
Prestonpans Loops PPANUPL F Required for Cockenzie trains. Interchangeable with Prestonpans
Prestonpans South (rev) PPANSR NR Sig EA831 reversing point
Longniddry LNGNDRY


Location TIPLOC (or code) STOP Notes
Slateford Yard SLATFDY Exit points use Platforms EST and UP
ESLATU Entrance Up yard
ESLATE Entrance East Yard
Slateford SLATEFD NR To use ES977 use line 977
Signal ES972 SLAT972 NR Reversing point no path or line codes
Signal ES975 SLAT975 NR Reversing point no path or line codes
Signal ES968 SLAT968 NR Reversing point
Slateford Spur SLATFDS NR Reversing point
Kingsknowe KNGW NR ES964 Fixed red
Curriehill GF CURRIEHGFU N Reversing point at GF Up line
CURRIEHGFD N Reversing point at GF Down Line
Craiglockhart Jn CRLORTJ F
Signal ES961 CRLORTJE961 NR Reversing point
Signal ES962 CRLORTJE962 NR Reversing point
Wester Hailes WHAILES
Curriehill CURRIEH


Includes Redford interlocking area

Location TIPLOC (or code) STOP Notes
Methil METH Exit point with OCC control
EMETH Entry point with OCC control
Westfield WSTFRLD Exit point with OCC control
EWESTF Entry point with OCC control
Thornton Yd THRNTTC F Exits points requiring phone call to obtain permission to enter
ETYDN Entry point for Down trains. Entry require slot to be granted
ETYUP Entry point for Up trains. Entry requires slot to be granted
Bowhill BOW Exit point with OCC control
EBOW Entry point with OCC control
Thornton N Jn THRNTNJ NR Path/Line TWJ to/from West Jn:Line DPL for UP trains leaving DPL.
Thornton S Jn THRNTSJ NR Path/Line TWJ to/from West Jn Line TSJ for UP trains off curve Path 886 for UP trains from Sig 886
Thornton W Jn THRNTWJ F Mutually exclusive location with Glenrothes same Path/Line codes for each Path/line TNJ to/from North Jn Path/line TSJ to/from South Jn
Glenrothes GLNRTHS F Mutually exclusive location with Thornton West Jn same Path/Line codes for each Path/line TNJ to/from North Jn Path/line TSJ to/from South Jn Platform number optional
Sig ET865 THRNT865 NR Reversing point no Path or Line codes
Sig ET866 THRNT866 NR Reversing point and intermediate step from DPL in UP direction
Sig ET867 THRNT867 NR Reversing point no Path or Line codes
Sig ET556 GLNR556 NR Reversing point from Glenrothes and TWJ stopping point from South Jn , trains for ET558 can be sent there non-ARS
Sig ET558 GLNR558 NR Reversing point from Glenrothes and West Jn, stopping point from North Jn, trains for ET556 can be sent there non-ARS
Redford Jn REDFDJ NR Path LOS used for sending trains to LOS on UP line Location will auto insert to through trains
Sig ET968 REDD968 NR Reversing point No Path or Line codes
Clunybridge Jn CLNYBDJ NR Path and Line YD used for trains from and to Thornton Yard Location will auto insert to through trains
Sig ET947 CLNYBDJ947 NR Path and Line YD used for trains from and to Thornton Yard
Glencraig Jn GLEN NR Use as intermediate step to Bowhill No Path or Line codes
Signal ET953 THRNT953 NR Reversing point 'inside Yard down end'
Cardenden CDND
Lochgelly LCHGLLY


Location TIPLOC (or code) STOP Notes
Winchburgh Jn WNCBROJ F
Sig 947 WIN947 NR Reversing point, no line or path codes
Sig 948 WIN948 NR Reversing point, no line or path codes

Edinburgh Reference Section

Edinburgh Contents

Last edited by Steamer on 11/02/2021 at 14:14